
Game Theory Textbook

Work in Progress

Other Publications



• Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition with Capacity Uncertainty‭ - ‬Feasting on Leftovers‭, ‬2023 Games and Economic BehaviorVolume 140, p. 253-271 (with Robert Somogyi and Gabor Virag)

Competitive Imperfect Price Discrimination and Market Power, 2020Marketing Science.  Volume 39, p. 996-1015, (with P. Belleflamme and W. Lam).   
Revisiting Stability in One-to-One Matching Problems, 2019Economic Theory Bulletin, 7: 59
Antidumping as a signaling device under the WTO’s ADA non-disclosure clause, 2018Review of World Economics, 154: 649-673 (with A. Khatibi)
The intricate tale of demand and supply of personal data, 2018Concurrences, N° 3-2018, Art. N° 87528, pp. 45-52 (with P. Belleflamme)
Endogenous Network Formation in a Tullock Contest, 2017Mathematical Social Sciences, (with G. Grandjean and D. Tellone)
Monopoly price discrimination and privacy: The hidden cost of hiding, 2016Economics Letters, volume 149, issue C, pages 141-144, (with P. Belleflamme)
Dominance Invariant One-to-One Matching Problems, 2014International Journal of Game Theory, 43, 925–943, (with A. Mauleon, E. Molis & V. Vannetelbosch)
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Farsightedly Stable Sets in Two-Sided Matching, 2011Theoretical Economics, Econometric Society, vol. 6 (3), September.  (With A. Mauleon & V. Vannetelbosch)
Collusion in Auctions: Between Bid Rotation and Efficiency, 2011Economics Bulletin,  Volume 31, Issue 1, p. 714-721
Endogenous network formation in patent contests and its role as a barrier to entry, 2011Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59 (4), pages 529-551, December (With Marco Marinucci)
Trade Policy in the Face of Price and Non-Price Strategies, 2011Portuguese Economic Journal,  Springer, vol. 10 (1), pages 3-21 (with A. Khatibi)
On the role of Retaliation in Trade Agreements, 2008Journal of International Economics,  Volume 76, Issue 1, p. 61-77.(with A. Martin)

Game Theory


Strategies and Games: Theory and Practice, ‬2022, MITPress

‭ ‬with Prajit K. Dutta

Work in progress / working papers

Pork and re-election,2022, ‭ ‬with Prajit K. Dutta

Alternating offers bargaining with  re-election, ‬2022,‭ ‬with Prajit K. Dutta

•Two sided seller/buyer platforms with imperfect price discrimination and privacy, 2022, with Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz

•Network formation between rivals‭, ‬working paper‭, ‬2018,‭ ‬with G‭. ‬Grandjean

Other Publications

The impact of economic analysis on market definition in the context of digital platforms, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, January 2023, with Nestor Duch-Brown 

Digital Platforms: To Regulate or Not To Regulate? Message to Regulators: Fix the Economics First,

Then Focus on the Right Regulation, 2019

in Devolder, Bram (Ed), The Platform Economy. Unravelling the Legal Status of Online Intermediaries, Intersentia, p. 3-30, with A. Strowel 

Econometric study on parcel list prices, report prepared for the European Commission, December 2015

This study was featured in The Financial Times, the WSJ Europe and El Pais, among others, with A. Claes 

Testimony on Forecasting Claims Against the Proposed National Trust, November 2005

NERA, US Senate, with D. Martin, P. Hinton, R. Miller and F. Sabry