
To the worst games that work

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Drioone (dragon + drone) joins the battle with Drioone with the smug drake meme

This is the thumbnail for one of my first stickman animations on scratch

What it's about

Here at worst games we strive to make the best games we can (I know ironic) using game engines not usually used like scratch or PS4 dreams. The reason we torture ourselves, mainly me Worstutuber, making these games is because I believe every platform of creativity can be used to actually have fun, and not just used to show off how creative someone can be with minimalist tools. Scratch is a really good jumping off point for us because it helps us get our footing on making actually good games instead of just jumping right into Unity and making complete garbage over and over until we get it right.

What is happening?

I've released multiple projects, and most of which i'm not proud of, so i'm finally settling down with one project at a time. I used to have an idea and just goo off of that idea then go to another idea really quickly. This caused my ideas to come out really sloppy and unfinished. I've realized this and i'm setting down on one project. The project I am currently putting my heart and soul into is lost in space. Lost in Space is a space exploration game that allows you to colonize planets, take care of your ship, vibe with your friends, and take over planets. The game is in Alpha because I'm currently trying to add all the features, but once that's done I hope to put it into beta and have tons of people play test it to find kinks and bugs. From that point I'll go to my next project.

lost is space thumbnail. its a spaceship flying from a planet epically

Thumbnail for lost in space

A cutscene from into the infinazone in which a scientist meets an alternate universe self

Cut scene from into the Infinazone that I've done.

What's for the future?

After I'm done with Lost in Space I plan on doing 2 - 3 more mega projects before moving off of scratch this could take a bit off time. The first project i'm making after Lost in space is complete is Into the Infinazone In which you play as a clone and have to find your way out by defeating bosses that drop specific items this game could have thousands upon thousands of randomly generated levels each section significantly harder to pass then the last. The one after that will be a secret for the time being.

Can I help?

Yes God yes! you can help by playing the updates and changes, and telling me what you think about them on my Profile or the project comment section. I'm checking those constantly. If you want to help with actually making the game I'll need you to follow me and enter your best scratch project, and from there i'll tell you if you can be part of the main team or not.