WoRMS 2023

5th International Workshop on Reading Music Systems

Milan, Italy, November 4th 2023

Call for Papers

The workshop seeks to connect researchers from the field of Optical Music Recognition with potential users. We are open for everything that is related to music, that has been written. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:


Scientific Paper

Scientific papers with original ideas, new approaches, or experiments from the field of Music Reading Systems. These papers may be up to 4+n pages.

Technical Report

Technical reports of successful applications, ongoing project reports, or use-cases from the field of Music Reading Systems. These reports may be up to 2+n pages.


Each accepted contribution will receive a 15-minute slot for presentation and discussion (12 minutes presentation, 3 minutes Q&A), independent of the type of contribution. Each session is followed by approximately 20 minutes of panel discussion with all speakers from that session, allowing to answer open questions and giving room for discussions.


Submissions should be no longer than 2 or 4 pages, depending on the type of contribution, and will undergo a single-blind peer-review process through the Microsoft CMT platform:  WoRMS 2023 Submission site.

The page limit should encourage high interaction and discussions during the workshop. The accepted papers will be collected in the proceedings, that will be made publicly available after the workshop (see last year's proceedings as well as ArXiv).

Papers should be formatted with the style files/details available at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Paper size is A4.

Important Dates