Worms Armageddon is a 1999 turn-based strategy video game developed and published by Team17. It was originally released for the Microsoft Windows operating system, and was later ported to the PlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, and Game Boy Color. Worms Armageddon is the third installment in the Worms series. In the game, the player controls a team of up to eight earthworms tasked with defeating an opposing team using a wide range of weapons at their disposal. The game takes place on a destructible and customizable two-dimensional board and is characterized by cartoonish graphics and a unique brand of humour.

Gameplay is turn-based, with each team moving in sequence, which is determined randomly, across two-dimensional terrain. During a single turn, a team can only move one of their worms (unless an item that allows the team to select their worm is used). Worms can walk and jump, as well as (when the proper items are available) swing by rope, parachute, teleport, and bungee. The objective of a traditional match is to defeat all opposing teams by killing their worms, although in the campaign some missions have other objectives such as collecting a specific crate.[5]

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The game offers players the ability to create their own custom teams. Each team has its own name and includes eight individually named worms. The player can also change the team's special weapon, grave marker, flag, victory fanfare, and voice set. In addition to numerous defaults available, the game offers the ability to import custom voices.[5]

Worms Armageddon was originally intended to be an expansion pack to Worms 2, but it was eventually developed as a standalone game. It was intended to be the last game of the Worms franchise, but Worms creator Andy Davidson felt that it needed more content before being released, leading to the development of Worms World Party.[7] It was also going to be released under the name Wormageddon, but Team17 changed the name to Worms Armageddon because of close similarities to the name of the game Carmageddon.[8] It was released initially for PCs in 1999 in Europe and North America, published by Hasbro Interactive under the MicroProse brand.[9] The game was eventually ported to Dreamcast and PlayStation in December 1999, Game Boy Color in January 2000, and Nintendo 64 in March 2000. The Nintendo 64 version is one of the first Nintendo 64 games to feature a terrain editor and generator.[10] A Macintosh version was being developed by MacSoft, but it has since been cancelled.[citation needed] Worms Armageddon was produced by Martyn Brown and composed by Bjrn Lynne, Karl Morton was the game's lead programmer, and Dan Cartwright was the game's lead artist.[citation needed]

Despite its age, Worms Armageddon still receives periodic updates, mainly from two programmers known as Deadcode and CyberShadow, recruited by Team17.[13] These updates address bugs and compatibility issues, and also add new features to the game, such as support for a greater number of worms in a match and support for arbitrarily-sized colour levels. The latest update was on 16 July 2020.[14]

The Dreamcast version's reception was positive. Johnny Liu of GameRevolution praised the version for its "addictive" gameplay, its loads of personality, and not having to save money to buy multiple controllers for multiplayer, but criticized the version for the lack of Internet support, reduced customizations compared to the PC version, and the lack of a multiple-controller option.[33] On the contrary, Ben Stahl of GameSpot praised the multiple controller ports as well as multiplayer for being fast-paced and turned into a "barrage of havoc", but criticized the single-player for the AI-controlled worms' nearly perfect accuracy and the length of time that it takes for such worms to complete their turns. He also pointed out that the worms' high-pitched voices are "only mildly cute" and can potentially be annoying, but praised the soundtracks for lending in realism to an otherwise unrealistic experience and the background music for helping players stay on task.[35] Joel Durham Jr. of AllGame gave it four stars out of five, saying, "With fabulous gameplay and a stunning amount of options, Worms: Armageddon [sic] is sure to please. The sheer amount of effort that went into this title is commendable in its own right. Every development house could learn something by taking a few pages from Team 17's [sic] book."[55] Cam Shea of Hyper gave it 79%, saying, "if this is the kind of no frills PC port we can expect for the Dreamcast, don't toss out your N64 just yet. You may just need it if you want to play the best version of Worms Armageddon on the block."[56]

The Game Boy Color port slightly favorable reviews. Concluding that the port is an "abridged edition of the overall game", Craig Harris of IGN criticized the version's great lack of the PC version's features (e.g. weapons) and personality and pointed out its "quirky" graphics. The reviewer felt that the game's front end was "extremely thrown together". He concluded that it was still fun to play.[40] Hudak of The Electric Playground gave it seven out of ten, similarly criticized the lack of weapons, and also criticized the lack of soundbites and complete lack of voices and what he perceived to be "microscopic" worms that are tough for the eye to see. He did, however, praise the terrain and physics engine for being well translated from the other versions of the game.[59] Jason White of AllGame gave it three stars out of five, saying that it "has so much going for it in the fun department that the odd controls and sometimes hard to navigate terrain will be easily forgotten. Go out and give this one a try. It's well worth the time."[60]

Yo so me and my brother just got worms armageddon on steam and we were having issues connecting to each others games when we tried to host. Just said connecting to host... and never did. We tried direct connection and wormnet. Anyone know a fix? Thanks

Increadible project with many new fucntions and good preset list, also a manual.

I'm currently trying to run worms aramageddon in windowed. Seems emulating primary surface doesn't go good. The game spaws second child window which dxwnd seems to not like much. As the screen remains black, tried 16bbp fix and autorefresh surface, hook child windows, well that gave me the biggest success as when i clicking thru the black window i can see text fields and sometimes screen to appear for seconds, the sound and everything works, even the graphical mouse is shown at a times, still freezes. The game uses DirectX1-6 version.

Trace logs here.



There is currently no wrapper that allows worms armageddon / world party to work in windowed, except if you run it uner linux with wine.

The game is the lasted beta version.

Any worm in its path gets hammered. Not only this, the Donkey's vibrations are so great that worms in the vicinity suffer damage and will be knocked off any precipice they are near. Any crates or oil cans in the way will explode, wreaking further havoc.

Worms Armageddon has the distinction of being the first game I took seriously. I don't know why, it was just a mindless game about worms blowing each other up with "accidental" mine placement and the occasional French Sheep Strike. How could that possibly be competitive? Well, back in the glory days of the internet, before things like voice chat that allowed people to hurl abuse at one another, I joined a Worms clan. It was called the 'Krazy Foos'.

I still remember one match. I was the last worm standing and was facing off against four opponents. My team encouraged me as I swung across the map to a lone crate. The crate contained a banana bomb. If I fired this correctly it would kill at least two of the enemy worms. I aimed and fired. I didn't expect the cluster of explosive bananas to fly in such a way that it knocked all four of my opponents into the drink. I was a hero that day.

Worms Armageddon is a turn-based humorous strategy game where you play as a team of worms waging war on other worms in bizarre, ever-changing environments using all kinds of crazy weapons. During your turn, you get to act with one of your worms and you have typically 20 seconds or so to make your move. Your move typically consists of moving around, jumping, crawling, squirming and firing one of your weapons once. Your goal is simply to kill off the opponents worms so that your team is the last one standing. Even though the game looks and feels very simplistic it has quite a lot of depth and requires strategy and planning. The biggest strength of this game is the replayability which is virtually limitless.

Worms Armageddon relies heavily on random factors; worm placement before the game starts is random, what weapons you get from crates is random, the wind is random and levels are random. The way cluster bombs spread is supposed to be random but they always seem to hit your own worms. Many of these factors can of course be adjusted but either way random factors are important in this game. It virtually gives the game unlimited replay value and excitement as no round is like any other. This game is also highly addicting thanks to its random nature and easily approached gameplay.

Some of the more notable enhancements include the integration of RubberWorm, a popular mod players could install to change the game's physics. The update also adds more than 70 new settings you can enable to change how a matches play out. For example, one premutation allows you to set it so that your worms can fire more than one weapon per turn. Team17 has also tweaked the game's engine to allow for smoother animations. Another technical enhancement is the addition of a windowed mode. Despite all the new tweaks, the studio says the game is still compatible with Windows 95 and other old operating systems. 2351a5e196

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