What Does NGL Mean on Facebook

The term ‘NGL’ refers to the meaning of ‘not gonna lie’ which is the most commonly used abbreviation in social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok and WhatsApp.

What is NGL:

What does ngl mean is the real question for all the readers now? So, this is basically used at the beginning of the sentence when the writer tries to focus on the honesty of the sentence that is given.

Also to express the opinion of the writer or also the sender, they indicate this term NGL.

How NGL Got Introduced:

For more than 100 years this phrase ‘not gonna lie’ has been in existence. This phrase can be used when you aren’t vulnerable or deep about something that you are expressing.

Few facts About NGL

But in real life, the use of NGL in a sentence shows some sort of rudeness, insult or arrogance.

Though it has existed for many years, in recent times there is a huge search for this abbreviation online. Mostly the usage of it can be seen in social media platforms.

What is the Use of NGL

We in our daily chat use TBH instead of To Be Honest similarly you can write the abbreviation of NGL. Since there are no grammatical rules, you can use this weird word even in real life.

Also, the NGL meaning on Facebook is also the same as the other usage which means ‘not gonna lie’.

Example: usage of this phrase, “NGL, teddies are for babies”.