Walkers for elderly

Walkers for the elderly, people with disabilities and rehabilitation.

It is used to assist when walking, whether a person has physical problems in the back, hips, or legs, requiring additional support during movement, since the person has some type of disability to stand or remain stable.

Drive Medical andador plegable

When searching for a safe, convenient aid for performing daily activities, a front-wheel walker can be the ideal solution. Drive's new lightweight folding walkers offer superior strength and durability while remaining lightweight and easy to use. Our rolling walkers feature a unique push-button mechanism for easy folding. Our standing walker’s U-shaped frame offers greater clearance, while its enhanced cross-frame design provides the user with enhanced stability. This front-wheeled walker features 5" wheels and newly designed rear glide caps designed for use on many types of terrain, while a contoured hand grip and adjustable height settings make this indoor and outdoor walker extra comfortable to use. Backed by a limited lifetime warranty from Drive Medical, a leading brand of mobility aids and other medical goods for more than 20 years, you can purchase with confidence. 

Rinkmo Rollator Walker HCT-9123

¿Cuándo debe usar un andador de rollator?

Tal vez has notado que tu ser querido tiene que sujetarse a los muebles o las paredes mientras caminas por la casa. O peor, tuvieron una caída reciente.

Un rollator es mejor para quién puede caminar, pero solo necesita un poco de ayuda con el equilibrio y la estabilidad.

¿Por qué elegir Rinkmo Rollator Walker?

Construcción sólida: Todas las piezas y uniones se funden por aleación de aluminio de alta calidad.

Ligero y plegable: Así que las personas mayores o sus amigos y familiares pueden ponerlo en el maletero de un coche.

Asiento de nailon con respaldo: Deténgase y descansar cada vez que se cansa.

Ruedas grandes: Ruedas sólidas de 8.0 in, enrollan más fácilmente sobre suelo irregular.

Soporte de caña y bolsa de almacenamiento: Para llevar los artículos de forma segura y no en bolsas sobre el hombro.

Medline Steel Rollator with 350 lb Weight Capacity

A rollator allows you to safely walk along or sit on the padded seat if you become tired. Unlike a regular walker, a rollator doesn’t involve the lift that a normal medical walker requires, making walking a smoother process. A rollator, however, requires the user to be stable enough to not let it get away from them since it has rolling wheels.