關  於




World Zen Art Center(WZAC-NY) is a renowned non-profit institution dedicated to Zen Tao art, registered in the State of New York, United States, on December 15, 2012. The Ci Bei Temple and the New York Qimen Fengshui Academy are affiliated with the World Zen Art Center. Established under the guidance of Master Yi-Xiong Gu, a respected figure in the field, our mission is to delve into the depths of Zen Tao and Art, ensuring international initiatives promote lasting prosperity and appreciation of this rich heritage for generations to come. As a non-profit Zen study center, we are dedicated to exploring and preserving the mysterious Eastern Zen Tao culture and art.

At WZAC-NY, we place great emphasis on the profound study of the occult Chinese culture of Zen Tao and Art. Tai Chi and Bagua hold paramount significance within the theoretical framework of Chinese philosophy. The unity of yin and yang represents the eternal law of the universe, as exemplified in the profound wisdom of the Zhou Yi, also known as the I Ching or Classic of Changes. Flourishing during the Song Dynasty, this philosophy found its most distinguished proponent in the renowned scholar Zhu Xi. With Zen playing a vital role in Chinese philosophy and religious culture, masters throughout Chinese history have attained remarkable achievements in the practices of divination and Zen.

By embracing the wisdom of Zen Tao, individuals can transcend their troubles and gain insights into the reasonably foreseeable future. The conscious mind traverses boundaries, exploring the vastness of the universe and realms beyond human comprehension. Through the practice of Chinese Zen calligraphy and ink painting, artists enter a Zen state through meditation, creating artwork that serves as a profound expression of Zen itself. This art resonates with viewers, bringing clarity, tranquility, and a return to one’s true self. It inspires introspection and prompts individuals to reevaluate their approach to life and their perception of the world.


QMFSA-NY 紐約奇門風水研究院

New York Qimen Fengshui Academy (QMFSA-NY) is a prestigious institution affiliated with the World Zen Art Center, specializing in the ancient fields of Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui. Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui have the unique ability to predict the development of favorable and unfavorable events and anticipate future trends. Our academy is devoted to the study and practice of Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui divination, introducing the concept of ‘seeking luck and avoiding calamities’ into people’s lives. Moreover, our goal is to preserve the ancient wisdom and civilization of the East, guiding individuals toward positive transformations in their life journeys.

American Ci Bei Temple 美國慈悲寺
In 2024, the American Ci Bei Temple was established in New York City as a non-profit Buddhist organization affiliated with the World Zen Art Center. Led by Venerable Master Yi-Yun (known in secular life as Yi-Xiong Gu), and with the support of the four-fold assembly of disciples, the temple is dedicated to upholding and propagating the Dharma, transcending ignorance, guiding society, and saving all living beings—a manifestation of the path of great compassion. It serves as a spiritual sanctuary and a place for the local community to engage in the practice of Buddhism. Venerable Master Yi-Yun’s teachings and life philosophy profoundly benefit disciples in their Zen Buddhist practice and personal growth. Revered and supported by devout Buddhists, he fosters harmony within the community, creating a better life for all.

Donation Announcement:

World Zen Art Center is a non-profit religious and artistic research organization based in the United States. Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to the practical exploration of the mysterious Chinese Zen and Tao culture and art. Since our registration in the state of New York in 2012, we have been committed to promoting and preserving the heritage of Zen and Tao art.

To achieve our goals and objectives, we rely on the generous contributions of social groups and individuals like yourself. Your support, whether in the form of financial contributions, goods, legacies, or other donations, plays a crucial role in advancing our mission.

We invite you to visit our center’s website to learn more about our initiatives and securely make donations through PayPal. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us create meaningful impact. If you believe in the importance of our work, we earnestly ask for your support.

You can donate and share online through: paypal.me/WorldZenArtCenter






















