AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.

Finally, the Proposition and Opposition teams should engage with the debate on a principled level and a pragmatic level. The pragmatic level deals with how if we propose or oppose the motion what practical implications will that have in the real world. This is where the use of real world examples plays heavily into the debate. However, in addition to that, the debaters should challenge the assumptions and values of the policies and scenarios that are being discussed in the motion on a principled level.

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The 2016 Mississippi World Languages Framework describes what students should know and be able to do in world languages other than English. The framework provides an outline of what students will need in preparation for life in a culturally diverse world. This document provides an outline that local districts, schools, and teachers can use to develop curriculum for comprehensive world language education leading students to acquire a high level of proficiency in at least one language other than English.

The pandemic is amplifying the global learning crisis that already existed: it could increase the percentage of primary school-age children in low- and middle-income countries living in learning poverty to 63 percent from 53 percent, and it puts this generation of students at risk of losing about $10 trillion in future life-time earnings, an amount equivalent to almost 10 percent of global GDP.

The new report, Realizing the Future of Learning: From Learning Poverty to Learning for Everyone, Everywhere, lays out a vision for the future of learning that can guide countries today in their investments and policy reforms, so that they can build more equitable, effective, and resilient education systems and ensure that all children learn with joy, rigor, and purpose in school and beyond the school walls.

The event, held at La Salle Campus Barcelona and at the Beauvais campus of UniLaSalle France, reflected on the future of university education in the world and its need to adapt to the reality of the current global context

This course examines how globalization and our cultural upbringing shape who we are, how we see the world, and the ways in which we communicate with people across intergroup inequities and intercultural and/or international boundaries. Using the case study method, the course examines global case studies to explore specific topics, why culture matters, and the values and dynamics underpinning intercultural communication.

The Peace, Global Security, and Conflict Resolution Thematic Area explores the causes and consequences of war as they relate to competing understandings of peace and security. Courses in this area help students assess the choices as well as challenges involved in preventing, resolving, and managing conflict. Students engage theories and historical cases from international security, strategic studies, human security, peace studies, and conflict resolution to conceptualize war and insecurity. The gateway course begins this journey by establishing the broader philosophical traditions associated with competing schools of thought. Students examine the different definitions of peace, security, and conflict as well as general patterns of violence and insecurity in the world. The course builds on this foundation by introducing students to the dynamics of political violence and different peacebuilding and conflict resolution mechanisms.

A more integrated world has raised the living standards of millions of people, yet it is blamed for causing all sorts of damages to societies, the environment, national cultures, and domestic sovereignty. In the Global Economy Thematic Area, students will study the political economy of this evolving international landscape and analyze economic growth, winners and losers, and the legitimacy of these changes. They explore how globalization changes the world and alters the political, economic, and social prospects of nations and their citizens. They also consider how international organizations struggle to manage this complex process and create governance structures to adapt to these changes, and how national governments attempt to balance their sovereign mandate to govern and protect their people with the frequently disrupting financial and trade-related impacts of global competition.

Issues of identity, whether avowed or ascribed and socially constructed or naturally derived, fundamentally shape people's lives and society. In particular, race, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and nationality are determinate identities for many, though in reality, everyone holds multiple identities at the same time. Although these identities often appear to be static and fixed from the outside, they are dynamic and ever-changing, driven by the broader cultural and social influences in which they arise and exist. Courses in this Thematic Area examine the nature of these identities in a world in transition. Our courses, embodying both theoretical and grounded approaches, explore each of these identities in their own right, as well as in a historical and an intersectional manner that explores the relationship between them.

WILLIAMS: First and foremost, the U.S. should do everything it can to regain its leadership role in the world. This means leading by example, certainly, but also leading by investing in key initiatives that ensure our collective safety in a way that recognizes our interconnectedness. A threat anywhere is a threat to all of us, and this is true for viral threats as well as inattention to, say, planetary sustainability.

In 2009, Edward Roberts, the David Sarnoff Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, co-authored a report estimating that, as of 2006, MIT alumni had founded 25,800 active companies worldwide, employing 3.3 million people and generating nearly $2 trillion in annual revenues.

Students explore the breadth of engineering career opportunities and experiences as they solve engaging and challenging real-world problems like creating a natural relief center system or creating a solution to improve the safety and well-being of local citizens.

Students explore how modern engineers help improve the world through diverse engineering fields, such as product design, mechanical design, infrastructure, and sustainability. Students learn and use some of the cutting edge tools engineers use in robotics, 3D modeling, programming, and prototyping.

PBL is becoming widely used in schools and other educational settings, with different varieties being practiced. However, there are key characteristics that differentiate "doing a project" from engaging in rigorous Project Based Learning.

PBLWorks offers a variety of workshops, courses and services for teachers, school and district leaders, and instructional coaches to get started and advance their practice with Project Based Learning.

100% Online: Some Purdue Global programs are not 100% online; some programs require you to gain hands-on experience in a real-world work environment. Contact an Admissions Advisor for additional information.

WFP primarily provides technical assistance to governments to improve the scale and quality of national programmes and to innovate and test new approaches. Through this work, WFP helps influence the quality of life, access to education and nutritional status of 106 million schoolchildren in 77 countries. When needed, WFP also provides in-kind assistance. In 2021 alone, 15.5 million schoolchildren in 57 countries received nutritious meals and snacks from WFP. 

School-meal programmes also act as an incentive for families to enrol their children in school and keep them there. Relieving parents from having to budget for lunches, they lead to savings of about 10 percent of the income of vulnerable households. By dissuading parents from marrying their daughters off early, which halts their education and can result in early pregnancies, school meals empower girls.

School meals programmes are often sourced from local smallholder farmers - under an approach known as Home-Grown School Feeding. This benefits local economies and supports the establishment of better-designed, sustainable food systems that are gender and climate sensitive. Making meals more sustainable can substantially reduce national greenhouse gas emissions. In many countries, school meals are the largest source of government procurement of food.

Countries recognize these multisectoral benefits: in 2021, in response to the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on schoolchildren, governments established and now lead the global School Meals Coalition. WFP is a proud supporter and serves as the secretariat of this group, which aims to restore, strengthen and improve school-meal programmes worldwide.

As many of these children live in protracted crises, spending long periods, if not their entire schooling years, in displacement, integrating them into national education systems and ensuring the quality of their education is of paramount importance for these children and their host communities.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to academic disciplines. In each case an entry at the highest level of the hierarchy (e.g., Humanities) is a group of broadly similar disciplines; an entry at the next highest level (e.g., Music) is a discipline having some degree of autonomy and being the basic identity felt by its scholars; and lower levels of the hierarchy are sub-disciplines not normally having any role in the structure of the university's governance. e24fc04721

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