The largest food crisis in modern history has left 30 million children in countries around the world dangerously malnourished. Thanks to donor contributions, combined with public grants, every $1 you donate to the Global Hunger Crisis Response delivers $5 in impact.

First I created a world in 1.16.5 then opened the world in every main version going back (1.16.5 > 1.15.2 > 1.14.4 > 1.13.3 > 1.12.2) then opened it in every main version going forward back to 1.16.5 and everything still seemed fine. I will label this method B.

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To Fix this you need to copy down your seed prior to downgrading than when you update back to 1.16.5 before opening the world again open NBTExplorer for your world and there should be a 'level.dat' and 'level.dat_old' you might also have a 'level(a bunch of random numbers).dat'.

As for preserving your world from what I can tell there is no way to preserve your spawn chunks, I tried being in the nether while doing this but when I opened it back up in 1.16.5 it placed me at the same location in the overworld and the spawn chunks were affected. (this might work with method B)

A self-governing body of fifteen biblical scholars, the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) was formed and charged with responsibility for the version, and in 1968 the New York Bible Society (which subsequently became the International Bible Society and then Biblica) generously undertook the financial sponsorship of the project. The translation of each book was assigned to translation teams, each made up of two lead translators, two translation consultants, and a stylistic consultant where necessary. The initial translations produced by these teams were carefully scrutinized and revised by intermediate editorial committees of five biblical scholars to check them against the source texts and assess them for comprehensibility. Each edited text was then submitted to a general committee of eight to twelve members before being distributed to selected outside critics and to all members of the CBT in preparation for a final review. Samples of the translation were tested for clarity and ease of reading with pastors, students, scholars, and lay people across the full breadth of the intended audience. Perhaps no other translation has undergone a more thorough process of review and revision. From the very start, the NIV sought to bring modern Bible readers as close as possible to the experience of the very first Bible readers: providing the best possible blend of transparency to the original documents and comprehension of the original meaning in every verse. With this clarity of focus, however, came the realization that the work of translating the NIV would never be truly complete. As new discoveries were made about the biblical world and its languages, and as the norms of English usage developed and changed over time, the NIV would also need to change to hold true to its original vision.

The UNICEF-led #IMAGINE initiative is joining forces with action/2015, a coalition of nearly 1,000 organizations from around the world that have come together to influence world leaders and inspire collective action in advance of key global agenda-setting meetings in 2015. These include the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa in July, when governments and their partners will produce a global strategy for financing global development; the UN General Assembly in September, when world leaders will set out new development goals for the next 15 years; and the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December.

action/2015 is a coalition made up of nearly 1000 organisations from more than 120 countries. From international organizations to grassroots coalitions, it has been formed to urge world leaders to take action on inequality, poverty and climate change in 2015 and lay the foundations for a better world. It aims to seize the opportunities of the 2015 Climate Summit in Paris and the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals process and will focus on public campaigns to ensure world leaders feel pressure to act from people all around the world. It will officially launch on 15th January with activities across the world from South Africa to Brazil and from Nigeria to Norway.

The IOC World Bird List is an open access resource of the international community of ornithologists. Our primary goal is to facilitate worldwide communication in ornithology and conservation based on an up-to-date evolutionary classification of world birds and a set of English names that follow explicit guidelines for spelling and construction.

The IOC World Bird List complements three other primary world bird lists that differ slightly in their primary goals and taxonomic philosophy, i.e. The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World, The Howard & Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, 4th Edition, and HBW Alive/Bird Life International.

I use 1.8.9 to play PVP on servers and I accidentally loaded Minecraft in 1.8.9 instead of 1.17.1 and logged onto the world that we've been playing on. The entire world became corrupted because we were playing on a specific seed and 1.17s updates such as height and stuff aren't compatible on 1.8.9.

To prevent this from happening in the future, as well as potential game crashes and bugs (e.g. settings get reset), always use separate profiles to run each version, each with their own game directory; only the latest version should ever use the same directory as the previous latest version (this is the only form of changing versions that is officially supported), and even then I recommend manually setting the version (you may want to delay updating to a new release for various reasons, such as bugs that may slip through the prereleases - even downgrading by a single version, e.g. 1.17 to 1.16, can corrupt a world even if it has no blocks or items from the newer version, so it is a good idea to wait):


Otherwise, the only way to restore a world corrupted in this manner is with a backup - you can't undo the corruption that occurred when you downgraded the world if the game was able to save the chunks (the only consolation is that only chunks loaded around spawn and the player will have been affected). You may be able to find a previous version that was automatically saved by Windows though (right-click on the folder and select the "restore previous versions" option. However, it seems that this is not enabled by default).

TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.

TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.

Why do I still play in 1.6.4?

I've never heard of a case where Minecraft world files had been restored without backups, and why would they? the information becomes too garbled for the application to make sense of, so it stops loading the files.

In the imaginary story, Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, which served as an ending to Silver Age Superman continuity, Bizarro #1 (the original Bizarro and the world's leader/greatest hero), was influenced to bad ends by the now evil Mr. Mxyzptlk. Realizing that to truly fulfill the Bizarro Code he should stop being an "imperfect perfect duplicate" of Superman and be a "perfect imperfect duplicate" of Superman, Bizarro resolves to alter his methods accordingly. To that end, Bizarro #1 deliberately destroyed Bizarro World, reasoning that if Superman's homeworld (Krypton) was destroyed in an accident, Bizarro must destroy his own world on purpose.

It had been established that there was no "set" future for Earth-One[7] so the World's Finest story where it is revealed that sometime in the future, Htrae is transformed into a more normal world (egg-shaped rather than cubical) by the radiation from an exploding celestial body was only a possible future. The Bizarroes are changed into normal non-powered people as well, but still retaining vestiges of their Bizarro laws (curtains hung outside the windows of a house, etc.)[8]

In "Escape from Bizarro World" (Action Comics #855-857,[10][11][12] also published as Superman: Escape from Bizarro World),[13] Bizarro captures Jonathan Kent and takes him to the cube-shaped world, prompting Superman to follow him. This version of Bizarro World was created in a star system with a blue star closest to Earth, by Bizarro by smashing asteroids together, with inhabitants created by firing eyebeams at organic life forms (first at himself to create Lois Lane) after gaining new powers from the nearby blue sun.

Bizarro World was seen again several months later in Supergirl #55. In it, Bizarro Supergirl (not the one accidentally created in Superman #140) recounts her origin, revealing that she was bound, gagged and locked inside of a spaceship sent from the cube-shaped world to Earth after it was attacked by a being known as the Godship. The issue ended with the modern Supergirl, Kara Zor-El, heading toward the Bizarro World to liberate it from the Godship.

The underground comic Anarchy Comics #2 story "Kultur Dokuments" by Jay Kinney and Paul Mavrides features the "Political Bizarros" as antagonists of the Picto family. The Political Bizarros are highly dogmatic Marxist-Leninist sectarians who are look and talk like Superman-universe Bizarros, in strong contrast to the pictogram world around them. They belong to two rival political sects, the International Caucus of Political Bizarros (patterned after the then-leftist Lyndon LaRouche group, International Caucus of Labor Committees) and the Progressive Bizarro Party (paterned after the Progressive Labor Party (United States)).

Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. NIV. Copyright  1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.

SANDBOX - Up to 4 players, put together custom scenarios using rooms, items and creatures unlocked from the single player campaign. Creatures and items can be placed in a room as desired and then played through with a various point values, etc, attached. This mode is to experiment and learn about the behaviour of creatures players encounter in the world. ff782bc1db

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