
Professor, Academician of RAS

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, Russia)

12.00-13.00 UTC

Slide of the Talk: World Logic Day. Mathematical Logic and Applications

Title of the talk: Проблемы логики и её приложения (Logic: Problems and Applications)

The talk will be in Russian.


Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA

14.00-15.00 UTC

Slide of the Talk: Degree Structures and Their Finite Substructures

Title of the talk: Degree structures and their finite substructures

Abstract: Many problems in mathematics can be viewed as being coded by sets of natural numbers (as indices). One can then define the relative computability of sets of natural numbers in various ways, each leading to a precise notion of “degree” of a problem (or set). In each case, these degrees form partial orders, which can be studied as algebraic structures.

The study of their finite substructures leads to a better understanding of the partial order as a whole.


Queens College, City University of New York, USA

13.00-14.00 UTC

Slide of the Talk: Lusin’s Theorem: How Computability Theory Proves a Real-Analysis Result

Title of the talk: Lusin's Theorem: How Computability Theory Proves a Real-Analysis Result
