January 22

The Brain, ACEs, Toxic Stress, & Resilience

  • The basic concepts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Toxic Stress
  • The effects of ACEs/Toxic Stress on the developing brain
  • The long-term effects of ACEs/ Toxic Stress on the brain
  • What Resilience means and how Resilience is the antidote or buffer against ACEs.

About our presenters:

Marilyn Deling:

Marilyn Deling is a nursing manager in the Healthy Children and Families Division at Olmsted County Public Health Services in Rochester, MN. Marilyn received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Minnesota and her Masters in Nursing Leadership from Augsburg College. She has enjoyed serving families with young children her entire nursing career. Currently at Public Health, Marilyn manages family home visiting programs that work with at-risk families who are pregnant and/ or have children birth to five years; as well as the Follow Along Program for developmental screening of children birth to three years. Her passion is promoting healthy brain development so that children can reach their full potential. Marilyn is married and has two adult children. She will become a grandma in February!

Sadie Swenson:

Sadie Swenson is a nursing manager in the Healthy Children and Families Division at Olmsted County Public Health Services in Rochester, MN. In 2002 she started her work at public health visiting families to support them during pregnancy and when parenting. In 2012 her role changed to supporting nurses who home visit pregnant and parenting clients. Sadie is grateful for the ever-evolving toxic stress and brain research, and is hopeful that over time there will be more discoveries in this area to help continue to support families and children. Sadie is married and has two children (one who attended Longfellow and one who currently attends Longfellow).