10th International Workshop on Theory, Algorithms

and Applications of Big Data Science

in Conjunction with  INCoS2024




 Soonchunhyang (SCH) University

Asan, South Korea

September 19 - September 21, 2024



Diverse multidisciplinary approaches are being continuously developed and advanced to address the challenges that Big Data research raises. In particular, the current academic and professional environments are working to produce algorithms, theoretical advance in big data science, to enable the full utilisation of its potential, and better applications.

The proposed workshop focuses on the dissemination of original contributions to discuss and explore theoretical concepts, principles, tools, techniques and deployment models in the context of Big Data. Via the contribution of both academics and industry practitioners, the current approaches for the acquisition, interpretation, and assessment of relevant information will be addressed to advance the state-of-the-art Big Data technology.



Contributions should focus on (but not limited to) the following topics:


All submissions should be prepared according to Conference Proceedings Manuscript guidelines. Submission of a paper with not more than six pages (Conference Proceedings Manuscript: two columns, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 font size, and number each page. 

You can download the suitable templates here.

For submission, go to the INCoS2024 paper submission site and follow the instructions.


Workshops proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Conference Publishing Service and will be included in the IEEE Digital Library. There will be an opportunity for the papers that are presented at the workshop to be invited to the special issue section of a high-quality journal.


Important Dates:


Organisers and Contact Details:

Prof Marcello Trovati: Marcello.Trovati@edgehill.ac.uk