Workshop CHAP: Complex and Harmonic Analysis in Padova

Padova October 29-30, 2021

Supported by the GNAMPA PROJECT 2020 "Alla frontiera tra l'analisi complessa in più variabili e l'analisi armonica".

The workshop will take place in presence October 29-30, 2021 at the University of Padova.

The first talk will be in the afternoon of October 29 at 16:30. A detailed schedule with abstract is available HERE.

October 29th we will meet in Room LU4 (via Luzzatti). October 30th we will meet in Room LUM250 (via Luzzatti).

The participation is free of charge, but you are invited to register for logistic reasons by sending an email to any of these addresses,, .

To access the buildings of the University of Padova it is mandatory to have a valid Green Pass and to fill a form required by the university. You will receive the form via e-mail once you register for the workshop. We will keep the filled form for 14 days.


Nicola Arcozzi (Università degli studi di Bologna)

Luca Baracco (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Roberto Bramati (Universiteit Gent)

Gianmarco Brocchi (University of Birmingham)

Gian Maria Dall'Ara (Indam/Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

Marco Fraccaroli (Universität Bonn)

Alessandro Monguzzi (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)