XV Summer Workshop in Mathematics

Department of Mathematics, Universidade de BrasĂ­lia

March 13 to 17, 2023


Brazilian (or foreigner with brazilian bank account)

Registration Form

To register for the XV Summer Workshop in Mathematics, please, fill in the following form


You must proceed with the payment that can be made by PIX to our Bradesco/Next bank account. Please, see details stated below:

PIX key (e-mail): willian@unb.br

Titular: Willian Cintra da Silva

Banco Bradesco S.A.


Registration Form

To register for the XV Summer Workshop in Mathematics, please, fill in the following form


You must proceed with the payment that can be international transfer to our Banco do Brasil bank account. Please, see details stated below:

Name: Willian Cintra da Silva

Iban: BR8900000000037020000346101C1