Workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Statistical Mechanics of Random Media and Random Fields 2023


The aim of this workshop is to discuss recent developments in statistical mechanics of random media and random fields, and to foster collaboration between researchers from Japan and the Netherlands.

Dates and Venue

Jan 9th (Mon) 9:55 -- 13th (Fri) 13:00, 2023.

The workshop is held at Nishijin Plaza, Fukuoka, Japan. (The venue has been changed. )

Program (pdf version is here)

  • Kawamoto's talk has been canceled.

  • van Enter's talk and Verbitskiy's talk have been exchanged.

January 9th (Mon)

  • 9:30--9:55 Registration

  • 9:55--10:00 Opening

  • 10:00--10:40 Ivan Kryven (Utrecht): Partial differential equations leading to random graph models

  • 10:40--11:00 Coffee break

  • 11:00--11:40 Bruno Hideki Fukushima Kimura (Hokkaido): A theoretical approach to the stochastic cellular automata and the digital annealer's algorithm

  • 11:50--12:30 Syota Esaki (Fukuoka): SDE representation of eigenvalues, eigenvectors and overlaps of non-Hermitian matrix-valued Brownian motion

  • 12:30--14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00--16:30 Work in groups

  • 16:30--17:00 Coffee break

  • 17:00--17:40 Akira Sakai (Hokkaido): Stability of the critical behavior of the Ising model against quantum perturbation

  • 17:50--18:30 Sonja Cox (Amsterdam): Affine infinite-dimensional stochastic covariance models

January 10th (Tue)

  • 10:00--10:40 Rajat Hazra (Leiden): Spectrum of inhomogeneous random graphs

  • 10:40--11:00 Coffee break

  • 11:00--11:40 Daisuke Shiraishi (Kyoto): Random walk on uniform spanning trees

  • 11:50--12:30 Evgeny Verbitskiy (Leiden & Groningen): Random expansions of numbers and applications

  • 11:50--12:30: Aernout van Enter (Groningen): Symmetric Versus Asymmetric Regularity Properties. Ising Examples, The Roles Of Entropic Repulsion

  • 12:30--14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00--16:30 Work in groups

  • 16:30--17:00 Coffee break

  • 17:00--17:40 Makoto Katori (Chuo): Two-dimensional processes associated with the non-Hermitian matrix-valued Brownian motions

  • 17:50--18:30 Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven): Ising critical values on random graphs

January 11th (Wed)

  • 9:30--10:10 Frank den Hollander (Leiden): Switching interacting particle systems

  • 10:10--10:30 Coffee break

  • 10:30--11:10 Naoki Kubota (Nihon): Lipschitz-type estimates for the frog model with the Bernoulli initial configuration

  • 11:20--12:00 Takashi Kumagai (Waseda): Periodic homogenization of non-symmetric discontinuous Markov processes

  • 12:00-- Excursion

January 12th (Thur)

  • 10:00--10:40 Michel Mandjes (Amsterdam): General Multivariate Hawkes Processes and Induced Population Processes: exact results and large deviations

  • 10:40--11:00 Coffee break

  • 11:00--11:40 Makoto Nakashima (Nagoya): Feynman-Kac formula for Schr\"odinger equation with one point interaction

  • 11:50--12:30 Yuki Tokushige (Kyushu): Scaling limits of SRWs on the Long-Range Percolation cluster

  • 12:30--14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00--16:30 Work in groups

  • 16:30--17:00 Coffee break

  • 17:00--17:40 Ryoki Fukushima (Tsukuba): Distribution of the random walk conditioned on survival among quenched Bernoulli obstacles

  • 17:50--18:30 Luca Avena (Leiden): Evolution of discordances in voter dynamics on random regular graphs

January 13th (Fri)

  • 10:00--10:40 Patrick van Meurs (Kanazawa): Scaling limits of a nonlocally interacting particle system on the discrete torus

  • 10:40--11:00 Coffee break

  • 11:00--11:40 Yosuke Kawamoto (Okayama): The tail preserving property of interecting Brownian motions in infinite dimensions (canceled)

  • 11:50--12:30 11:00--11:40 Aernout van Enter (Groningen): Symmetric Versus Asymmetric Regularity Properties. Ising Examples, The Roles Of Entropic Repulsion

  • 11:00--11:40: Evgeny Verbitskiy (Leiden & Groningen): Random expansions of numbers and applications

  • 12:40--13:20 11:50--12:30 Tomohiro Sasamoto (Titech): Mapping macroscopic fluctuation theory for 1D interacting particle systems to classically integrable systems

  • 13:20 12:30 Closing



The ZOOM link will be sent around Jan. 7th.


NWO (Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research)

This seminar was supported by Japan-Netherlands Research Cooperative Program between JSPS and NWO, Grant number JPJSBP220224402.Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) JP18H01124

Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas JP22H05105