Getting There

The adress of the location:


ul.Myśliwska 13

58-570 Jelenia Góra - Jagniątków

Tel. 504 806 600, 0048 75 616 2899



There are a lot of different options to get to the workshop location. Nearby airports ranked ascending by distance are in Wroclaw, Dresden, Prague and Berlin.

The easiest ways are to get to Görlitz or Wroclaw, more detailed routes are described below.

We are going to organize a shuttle service from Görlitz main station and the airport in Wroclaw to the venue, if there is enough people interested. More information will be given closer to the workshop date. If you are interested in such a shuttle serivce, please send an email to

Wrocław - Jelenia Góra

Wrocław is the largest city in western Poland with an airport

To get from Wrocław Airport to the venue, you can take a taxi, which would probably cost about 380 PLN.

Otherwise, you can take a taxi (about 60PLN, 25min) or the bus (no. 106, 3 PLN, 45min) to the main station. A train to Jelenia Góra goes every hour, takes 2h 15min and costs about 30PLN.

At the train station in Jelenia Góra, you can be at the workshop site within 30min and it costs about 40 PLN. You can also take the bus no. 15, leaving approximately every hour to the station Dom Hauptmanna, which costs 3 PLN and takes about 45 min.

Görlitz - Jelenia Góra

Görlitz is a city in Germany, right at the border to Poland.

You can get to Görlitz via train from Dresden or Berlin.

The travel from Dresden Airport to Görlitz costs about 23 Euro and takes 2h. Starting from the airport, you can take the train S2 (direction Pirna) to Dresden-Klotzsche, which leaves every half hour.

There you can switch to the TLX(every 2 hours, ) or TL(every 2 hours, 30min after the TLX) train, both with direction to Görlitz.

From Görlitz leaves a train directly to Jelenia Góra, but only about 4 times a day and it takes about 1,5h.

At the train station in Jelenia Góra, you can be at the workshop site within 30min and it costs about 40 PLN. Otherwise, you can take the bus no. 15 leaving approximately every hour to the station Dom Hauptmanna, which costs 3 PLN and takes about 45 min.