Pólya urns, stochastic approximation and quasi-stationary distributions:

new developments.

University of Bath
April 11th - 14th 2022

Organisers: Cécile Mailler and Denis Villemonais

Covid permitting, the workshop will be held at the University of Bath in the Wolfson lecture theatre (room 4W 1.7). Talks will start on the Monday 9am and end on the Thursday 1pm.

Access to the Wolfson lecture theatre (room 4W 1.7): From the main bus stop at the university, follow the flow of students up the stairs and walk along the "parade". You will see the University Library on your right, a flight of stairs to a lake on your left: continue straight ahead. The 4W building will be on your left, with automatic sliding doors: enter through these doors: on your right is the entrance to the 4W café, on your left, the entrance to the student services. Walk straight ahead to the stairs and walk down the stairs. Once downstairs, turn left, walk past the lifts and straight to the door of the Wolfson.

List of participants

  • Marco Bertenghi (University of Zurich)

  • Matheus Castro (Imperial College London)

  • Nicolas Champagnat* (Inria Nancy)

  • Dennis Chemnitz (FU Berlin)

  • Guillaume Conchon-Kerjan (University of Bath)

  • Christopher Dean (University of Bath)

  • Maximilian Engel* (FU Berlin)

  • Andrea Ghiglietti* (University of Turin)

  • Emma Horton* (Inria Bordeaux)

  • Oliver Kelsey Tough* (Université de Neuchâtel)

  • Daniel Kious (University of Bath)

  • Martin Kolb* (Universität Paderborn)

  • Andreas Kyprianou* (University of Bath)

  • Bas Lodewijks (Université de Lyon)

  • Tony Lelièvre* (École des ponts ParisTech)

  • Cécile Mailler (University of Bath)

  • Sonny Medina Jimenez (University of Bath)

  • Fabian Michel (TU Munich)

  • Verónica Miró Pina* (CRG Barcelona)

  • Pierre Monmarché* (Sorbonne Université)

  • Mehar Motala (University of Bath)

  • Guillermo Olicon-Mendez* (FU Berlin)

  • William Oçafrain* (Université de Neuchâtel)

  • Guilherme Reis* (TU Munich)

  • Victor Rivero (CIMAT)

  • Pawel Rudnicki (University of Bath)

  • David Steinsaltz* (University of Oxford)

  • Bruno Schapira* (Aix-Marseille Université)

  • Denis Villemonais (Université de Lorraine and Inria)

  • Andi Wang* (University of Bristol)

  • Guo-Jhen Wu* (KTH)

*participants with a star are invited speakers

Tentative program [titles and abstracts]


If you want to contact the organisers, e.g., because you would like to attend the workshop, please email Cécile Mailler.