New Trends in Statistical Learning I

(24-29 May 2021, Porquerolles)

This conference aims to bring together researchers in order to present/discuss current and upcoming trends in Statistical Learning. The focus will be on the recent theoretical advances on deep learning generalization; the emerging field of quantitative ethics and the development of safe and robust decision-making systems.

Organizers : 

Karim Lounici  (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique)

Katia Meziani (University Dauphine-PSL- CREST)

Invited lectures:

Arnak Dalalyan (CREST-ENSAE)

Alexander B Tsybakov (CREST-ENSAE)

Invited talks :

Patricia Reynaud-Bouret (Côte d'Azur University)

Jaouad Mourtada (CREST-ENSAE)

Mohamed Hebiri (Gustave Eiffel University)

Evgenii Chzhen  (Paris-Saclay University)

Thomas willer (Aix-Marseille University)

Victor-Emmanuel (CREST-ENSAE)

Benjamin Riu (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, University Dauphine-PSL,Uptilab)

Practical informations

How to get there :