Invited experts & Organizers

This seminar is organized by MUSE.

The MUSE project "Montpellier University of Excellence" mobilizes the forces of 19 institutions towards a common ambition: to bring to Montpellier an intensive research thematic university, internationally recognized for its impact in fields related to agriculture, the environment and health, likely to become for all members of the consortium an academic partner to which they will be strongly linked and of which they will be able to avail themselves.

For more information, connect to ISITE MUSE website.

Invited experts

  • Akiça Bahri, INAT, Tunisia
  • Giuseppe Cirelli, Unict, Italy
  • Eran Friedler, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israël
  • Rosina Girones, Univ. Barcelona, Spain
  • Amit Gross Ben-Gurion Univ. Negev, Israël
  • Tarik Hatani, CUTipaza, Algeria
  • Francesc hernandez, Univ. Valencia, Spain
  • Harald Horn, KIT, Germany
  • Valentina Lazarova, Suez, France
  • Pascal Molle, Irstea, Lyon, France
  • Francisco Pedrero Salcedo, CSIC, Spain
  • Peter Schröder Helmoltz - Munich, Germany
  • Sandra Perez Solsona, IDAEA – CSIC, Spain
  • Alfieri Pollice, IRSA, Italy
  • Miquel Salgot, Univ. Barcelona, Spain
  • Eva Thorin, MDH, Sweden
  • Ed Topp, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada

Organizing Committee

  • Nassim Ait Mouheb (IRSTEA-GEAU), Montpellier, France:
  • Serge Chiron (IRD-HSM), Montpellier, France:
  • Jérôme Harmand (INRA-LBE), Narbonne, France:
  • Bruno Molle (IRSTEA-GEAU), Montpellier, France:
  • Nathalie Wery (INRA-LBE), Narbonne, France: