Workshop on Nonlinear Systems III 

January 03-09, 2023, İstanbul, Turkey

This organization is a part of the activities of Geometry, Analysis, and Physics Research Group. The research group is a joint project between researchers of several universities based in İstanbul and other European and American universities. Launched in November 2018, the group focuses on research-oriented events on mathematical physics and related subjects. 

Workshop on Nonlinear Systems III is focused on Geometric Mechanics covering the scope of Jacobi manifolds and contact geometry, Hamilton--Jacobi theory, differential geometry and stochastic analysis, general applications of geometric mechanics to control theory and finance, among others.

The meeting  will be hosted at  the department of mathematics, Gebze Technical University, Kocaeli, Turkey, from January 3rd-9th 2023.

The meetings will be at Gebze Technical University, The Faculty of Basic Sciences Building: 

Classroom No 2, and Meeting Room No 207

Invited Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers

International Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee 

Gebze Technical University (GTU), The Faculty of Basic Sciences, The Department of Mathematics

For further information about practical issues please contact:

Workshop Committee 



The Geometry of Classical Field Theories by Manuel de León  (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, CSIC, Spain).

Contact Hamiltonian Systems by Manuel Lainz (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, CSIC, Spain).


Local Lie Algebras, n-Lie Algebras, and Dynamics. Begüm Ateşli (Gebze Technical University, Turkey).

On Hamiltonian Analysis of Second-order Degenerate Lagrangians. Filiz Çağatay Uçgun (Maltepe University, Turkey).

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Neural Networks. Viviana Díaz (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina).

Eisenhart-Duval lift and plane gravitational waves, Mahmut Elbistan (Boğaziçi University, Turkey).

Geometry on Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Oğul Esen (Gebze Technical University, Turkey).

The nonlinear Schrodinger equation from the Heisenberg spin chain, Ilmar Gahramanov, (Boğaziçi University, Turkey).

Some Extensions of Locally Conformal Hamiltonian Dynamics. Ayten Gezici (Gebze Technical University, Turkey).

Symmetries and dissipated quantities for time-dependent contact systems.  Asier López Gordón (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain).

Displacement vs canonical mappings in Vlasov dynamics. Hasan Gümral (Yeditepe University, Turkey).

Inverse Scattering Transform for Multidimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equations of Mathematical Physics. Mansur İsmailov (Gebze Technical University, Turkey). 

Discrete generating functions of a Hamilton-Jacobi theory on discrete contact manifolds. Cristina Sardón (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain).

Noncommutative Geometry in Mechanics. Serkan Sütlü (Işık University, Turkey). 

Geometric approach to Yang-Mills theory. Marcin Zajac  (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain). 



