

Pierre Couteron, 59 years, is senior researcher (Directeur de Recherche) at the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD). He leads researches in the domains of theoretical ecology, spatial statistics and remote sensing to monitor and model vegetation and associated resources. He is particularly interesting in working at the interface between ecology and numerical sciences. P. Couteron has a PhD in tropical Forestry (Toulouse, 1998) and Habilitation (HDR, Montpellier, 2006). He has authored 83 papers published in peer-reviewed, indexed journals (h = 41, ~6,000 citations, Google Scholar) and edited 2 special issues. He has been lecturer in tropical forestry & ecology for 15 years (at ENGREF, now AgroParisTech), Head of Ecology Department at the French Institute of Pondicherry (India) and Head of the AMAP (http://amap.cirad.fr) joint laboratory (2010 – 2014, 75 permanent staff). He has supervised 16 completed PhD projects and has directed research and R&D projects in France, Africa (Cameroon, Burkina Faso, …), Brazil, and India.

Abstract: Under construction

Biography: Dr Lukas Eigentler is a mathematical ecologist with an interest in pattern formation and competition dynamics. He obtained his PhD in 2020 from Heriot-Watt University and The University of Edinburgh, where he was supervised by Jonathan Sherratt. His thesis “Modelling dryland vegetation patterns: nonlocal dispersal, temporal variability in precipitation and species coexistence” received a Certificate of Commendation from the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Lukas is now a postdoc in the Stanley-Wall lab in the Division of Molecular Microbiology at the University of Dundee.


Vegetation patterns are a ubiquitous feature of semi-arid regions and are a prime example of a self-organisation principle in ecology, caused by positive feedback between local plant growth and water redistribution. The Klausmeier reaction-advection-diffusion model is a deliberately simple system describing the formation of vegetation stripes on sloped terrain. In this talk, I present two model extensions to (i) investigate the effects of nonlocal seed dispersal, and (ii) propose mechanisms that enable species coexistence despite competition for a limiting resource.

In the first part of the talk, I present a model extension in which plant dispersal is modelled by a nonlocal convolution term, motivated by empirical data. Asymptotic analysis of the model is possible due to a scale difference between plant dispersal and water transport. I show that a condition for pattern onset in the model can be derived analytically, which indicates that long-range seed dispersal inhibits the onset of spatial patterns. Results on pattern existence and stability, obtained via a numerical continuation method, further show a change in the type of stability boundaries in the pattern's stability regions as dispersal distance is varied. This suggests increased resilience of patterns to reductions in precipitation due to long dispersal distances. Stability results further propose a resolution of a mismatch between previous mathematical models predicting an uphill movement of vegetation bands and some field studies reporting stationary patterns.

In the second part of the talk, I present two mechanisms that enable species coexistence despite the species' competition for the same limiting resource. Firstly, coexistence occurs as a metastable state if the average fitness difference between both species, a measure of the species' competitiveness in a spatially uniform setting, is small. Secondly, a stability analysis of the system's single-species patterns shows that a solution branch in which both species coexist bifurcates off the single-species solution branch as it loses its stability to the introduction of a second species. I present a comprehensive existence and stability analysis to establish key conditions, including a balance between the species' local competitive abilities and their colonisation abilities, for species coexistence in the model.

Biography: Prof. Mohamed Mbehou is an Associate Professor at the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon. He completed his PhD doctorate in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa in 2014. His current research interests include Computational methods (finite difference, finite element, finite volume, virtual element methods, etc.) on Partial Differential Equations arising from fluid dynamics, nonlocal problems, and complex systems. He has published many research articles in reputed international journals of mathematical sciences.


This work is devoted to the study of the finite element approximation for nonlocal nonlinear parabolic problems. The first part will be based on the presentation of some nonlocal and local problems. While the following will be the implementation of 1D and/or 2D nonlocal PDE via the use of the software Matlab.

Biography: Le Bienfaiteur Sagang is an ecologist interested in the use of remote sensing for the spatial modelling of landcover types; landcover dynamics and carbon stock fluxes in the tropics.


Widespread extension of forest into savannas have been reported in Central Africa over the last decades, but this dynamics is liable to encompass different processes (local thickening-up, nucleation, edge movements) of varying strength and kinetics that have insufficiently been studied in sufficiently diverse conditions. We focused on two nearby landscapes in central Cameroon displaying a variety of soil conditions and two distinct levels of human presence to monitor complex forest-savanna dynamics. Open access satellite imagery and cloud computing facilities (Google Earth Engine) was used to track land cover change. Field inventory data from grass and woody layer as well as soil properties were collected. Landsat image archives recorded a long-term (> 40 years) forest spread into savanna at a rate of ca. 1%.year-1 (6Km².year-1). Fire occurrence recorded via Landsat archives, modulated bush encroachment and forest expansion with a five-year fire frequency found to be the threshold below which woody savanna dominates and opens the way to forest transition. While a large share of savannas turned into forest during the last decades, vegetation in the remaining savannas was shaped by a gradient leading from sandy soils with low grass production and low fire frequencies to clayey soils with high grass production and frequent fire situations. These findings highlights the importance of soil modulation of the grass-fire feedback and can serve as a reference to vegetation models that predict forest savanna dynamics in the area.

Biography: M. Rodrigue Tega is a PhD student in Applied Mathematic at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science of the University of Yaoundé, in Cameroon. His work deals with the construction, analyses and numerical simulations of mathematical models for humid savannas. Models developed by M. Tega mostly rely on (nonlocal) Partial Differential Equations (PDE). The aim is to understand and predict the process that shapes long-term savanna dynamics and possible transitions within vegetation patterns.


Savannas are complex ecosystems where trees and grasses coexist permanently without one species excluding the other. In this talk, we present the study of a spatio-temporal tree-grass fire-mediated interactions model based on two nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations with kernels of intra and inter-specific interactions, for woody and grass biomasses. The model accounts for the occurrence of space inhomogeneous solutions, including a possibly periodic spatial structuring sometimes observed in humid savannas. In fact, a complete theoretical analysis of the model reveal several ecological thresholds and spatial range interactions that shape the dynamics of the system. Thanks to kernel-based non-local biomasses interactions and by linear stability analyses, performed in the vicinity of space-homogeneous stationary states, we provide conditions for the appearance of space inhomogeneous solutions that are mostly periodic in space with also aperiodic outcomes. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate our theoretical results. Notable, we verify that the predicted wavelengths are in good agreement with the numerically computed ones.

Biography: Dr. Valaire Yatat is an Applied Mathematician, currently working as a researcher and lecturer at the National Advanced School of Engineering (Polytechnic School) of the University of Yaoundé 1, in Cameroon. He completed his PhD doctorate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon in 2018. His research deals with the development and the study of mathematical models that rely on Ordinary Differential Equation, Impulsive Differential Equation, Partial Differential Equation and Impulsive Partial Differential Equation. The proposed models address issues in Ecology (dynamics of vegetation mosaics, dynamics of fire-prone savannas) and in Epidemiology (dynamics and control of vector-borne infectious diseases). He is a former Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Pretoria. He received, in 2016, the IBNI Prize as the best young Central and West African Mathematician.


The savanna biome encompasses variations of vegetation physiognomies that traduce complex dynamical responses of plants to the rainfall gradients leading from tropical forests to hot deserts. Such responses are shaped by interactions between woody and grassy plants that can be either direct, disturbance-mediated (e.g. fire) or both. There has been increasing evidence that several (highly contrasted) vegetation physiognomies may durably coexist in humid savannas, which are fire-prone, suggesting multi-stability (i.e. mosaic of vegetation). Therefore, a major question consists on understanding/characterizing how fires may impact vegetation mosaic dynamics. This question has triggered several modelling efforts relying either on space-implicit or on space-explicit mathematical models. I will present some recent space-explicit models designed to study the impact of fire on the long-term dynamics of a forest-grassland vegetation mosaic in humid savannas by the mean of a bistable travelling wave. Notably, I show that depending on fire-return time as well as difference in diffusion potential of woody and herbaceous vegetation, fires are able to greatly slow down or even stop the progression of forest in humid regions. Finally, in the case of a monostable forest invasion wave, numerical approximation of the spreading is also presented.

Biography: Dr. Yuval Zelnik is a theoretical ecologist, currently working at the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU). He received his PhD in 2016 from Ben Gurion University (Israel), working on models of dryland vegetation, and exploring the ramifications of spatial patterns of vegetation on regime shifts and desertification. His worked has focused on the spatial aspects of ecosystem dynamics, including regime shifts in spatially extended ecosystems, stability of ecosystems and their response to localized disturbances, and the functioning of spatially structured ecosystems.


Numerical continuation is a technique by which we look for solutions of a system of nonlinear equations. Often, this technique is used for the analysis of stable-state or periodic solutions of differential equations. During the workshop, I will focus on using the software package AUTO to analyze partial differential equations (PDEs). This technique is to be contrasted with the more common method of numerically investigating PDEs, time integration, in which we start with an initial state, and track its dynamics over time.

During this workshop, I will go through several topics:

1) I will give a short introduction to numerical techniques, including time integration, root finding, and numerical continuation.

2) I will discuss using AUTO for numerical continuation, and together we will use it to analyze a few simple examples.

3) I will briefly discuss some aspects of the dynamics of spatial fronts, including some ecological examples.

4) I will explain how to use AUTO to analyze one-dimensional front solutions in PDEs, and we will learn how to use it on simple ecological models.