Talk Schedule





14.30 – 14.35: Welcome / Introduction


Theory of Kappa Distributions and Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics

Chair: Danny Summers

14.35 – 15.30: Constantino Tsallis, Inanimate and living matter, Earth & outer space - Why are nonadditive entropies ubiquitous?

15.30 – 15.55: Vladimir Zhdankin, Generalized entropy production and nonthermal particle acceleration in collisionless plasmas.

15.55 – 16.20: Velimir Ilić, Statistical complexity of kappa distribution.

16.20 – 16.45: Sergio Davis, Temperature and its uncertainty in nonequilibrium steady state plasmas.

16.45 – 17.10: George Livadiotis, Entropy defect in thermodynamics


17.10 – 17.30: Coffee break


Analytical Modeling

Chair: Georgios Nicolaou

17.30 – 17.55: Danny Summers, Kappa distributions and power-law spectra in space plasmas.

17.55 – 18.20: Brent Randol, Possible explanation for power law tails of the solar wind ion distribution function:  Study of the Liouville-Coulomb system.

18.20 – 18.45: Viviane Pierrard, Regularized kappa distributions to model the solar wind electrons.

18.45 – 19.10: Bojan Arbutina, Kappa distribution as a description of spectrum of supra-thermal particles at collisionless shocks.

19.10 – 19.30: Jordy Davelaar, The usage of kappa distributions in the context of accreting black hole modeling.

19.30 – 19.50: Valentina Zharkova, Pitch-angle distribution of accelerated electrons in 3D current sheets with magnetic islands

19.50 – 20.10: Chengcai Shen, Nonthermal broadening of IRIS FeXXI line caused by turbulent plasma flows in magnetic reconnection region during solar eruptions.







Chair: Peter Yoon

15.00 – 15.30: David McComas, The outer heliosphere: A zoo of nonequilibrium plasmas.

15.30 – 15.55: Matina Gkioulidou, On the energization of pickup ions downstream of the heliospheric termination shock.

15.55 – 16.20: Heather Elliott, Relationships between solar wind parameters.

16.20 – 16.45: Chadi Salem, New Insights on Solar Wind Electrons at 1 AU: Collisionality, heat flux, and thermal force.

16.45 – 17.10: Olga Malandraki, Unexpected energetic particle observations near the sun by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.


17.10 – 17.30: Coffee break



Space Weather

Chair: Maher Dayeh

17.30 – 18.00: George Ho, Energetic and suprathermal particle measurement at the inner heliosphere.

18.00 – 18.25: Georgios Balasis, Investigation of dynamical complexity in Swarm-derived geomagnetic activity indices using information theory.

18.25 – 18.50: Christos Katsavrias, Acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt - Recent scientific insights and modeling efforts.

18.50 – 19.15: Masahiro Hoshino, Energy partition of thermal and nonthermal particles for a composed spectrum of Maxwellian and kappa distribution function in magnetic reconnection.

19.15 – 19.40: George Danos, Spacecraft "Clusters" for space weather studies.

19.40 – 20.10: Ioannis Daglis, Space weather predictability.







Chair: Viviane Pierrard

15.00 – 15.25: Ioannis Kourakis, Nonlinear electrostatic waves in non-Maxwellian space plasmas: overview of recent advancements.

15.25 – 15.45: Nikolaos Lazarides, Coupled electrostatic wavepackets in plasmas: on the role of kappa-distributed electrons on the onset and growth rate of modulational instability.

15.45 – 16.10: Victor Munoz, Parametric decays of electromagnetic waves in electron-positron nonextensive plasmas.

16.10 – 16.30: Nouman Qureshi, Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and associated ion velocity distributions: Cluster Observations.

16.30 – 16.50: Francisco Da Silveira, Langmuir waves in kappa plasmas.

16.50 – 17.10: Peter Yoon, Generation of regularized kappa electron velocity distribution function by combined Whistler and Langmuir mode wave spectra.


17.10 – 17.30: Coffee break


Complexity – Theory, Tools, Experiments

Chair: Matina Gkioulidou

17.30 – 18.00: Giuseppe Consolini, Markov features and kappa distribution of magnetic field fluctuations at ion/sub-ion scales.

18.00 – 18.20: Konstantinos Dialynas, Energetic H+ and O+ moments and polytropic index in the Kronian magnetosphere with >20 keV Cassini/MIMI measurements.

18.20 – 18.40: Evangelia Ntormousi, Global MHD galaxy simulations: feedback, non-equilibrium chemistry and the emergence of a mean-field dynamo.

18.40 – 19.05: Filippos Vallianatos, Gutenberg-Richter, Omori and Cumulative Benioff strain patterns in view of Tsallis entropy and Beck-Cohen Superstatistics.

19.05 – 19.25: Demosthenes Ellinas, Quantum computational approach based on quantum κ-entropy.

19.25 – 19.45: Nikos Kalogeropoulos, Power law entropies for parabolic systems?

19.45 – 20.10: Nicholas Sarlis, Recent advances on statistical physics of earthquakes by combining natural time analysis and Tsallis non-additive entropy.






Solar Corona – Flares – Energetic particles

Chair: Heather Elliott

11.30 – 12.00: Spiro Antiochos, The self-organization of the sun's corona.

12.00 – 12.25: Gregory Fleishman, Solar flare science with microwave imaging spectroscopy.

12.25 – 12.50: Elena Dzifčáková, Effects of electron density and multiple ionization on the ionization equilibrium - the kappa-distribution in the solar corona and plasma diagnostics.

12.50 – 13.10: Jiayong Zhong, Turbulence magnetic reconnection experiments driven by intense lasers.

13.10 – 13.30: Costis Gontikakis, Emission measure analysis of the transition region of solar flare structures.


13.30 – 15.00: Lunch break



Polytropes – Connection with Thermodynamics

Chair: George Livadiotis

15.00 – 15.25: Iannis Dandouras, Space plasma physics from Moon orbit: opportunities provided by the Lunar Gateway.

15.25 – 15.45: Maher Dayeh, Polytropic behavior in the substructure of interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections.

15.45 – 16.05: Michael Starkey, Polytropic behavior in the compressed solar wind.

16.05 – 16.25: Dionysios Hristopoulos, Applications of Kaniadakis functions beyond statistical mechanics.

16.25 – 16.50: Georgios Nicolaou, Kappa Distributions in space plasmas: Review of methods and applications.

16.50 – 17.05: George Livadiotis, Kappa distributions: Connection with thermodynamics.


17.05 – 17.10: Epilogue