The workshop will start on Tuesday, March 26th after lunch and will end on Friday, March 29th before lunch.
It will take place at Shizuoka Prefecture Gender Equality Center "Azalea" in the "2nd Seminar room" on the 4th floor.
NOTE: The room is equipped with a video projector, a large whiteboard and 2 small whiteboards.
Here is the program (Download):
- Tuesday, March 26th
14:00-15:00 F. Lárusson "What is Oka theory?"
Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 J. Noguchi "A new introductory lecture of S.C.V.-Oka theory"
16:45-17:45 Y. Kusakabe "Oka principle and relative ellipticity"
- Wednesday, March 27th
9:00-10:00 T. Ritter "Proper holomorphic embeddings of open Riemann surfaces into Stein complex surfaces"
Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 F. Lárusson "Holomorphic Legendrian curves in projectivised cotangent bundles"
13:30-14:30 T. Ohsawa "Rigidity and splitting by the L^2 method on complete Kähler manifolds"
Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 S. Biard "Weighted L^2-polynomial approximation in C"
16:15-17:15 I. Hotta "Problems related to conformal slit-mappings"
17:30-18:00 J. Yum "Diederich-Fornaess index and Steinness index"
19:00-21:00: Social Dinner at "Grill & Bar restaurant Crossroads"
- Thursday, March 28th
9:00-10:00 G. Hosono "Twisted Hörmander condition and plurisubharmonicity, and new positivity notions"
Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Y. Tiba "Cohomology of vector bundles and non-pluriharmonic loci"
13:30-14:30 B. Magnússon "Disc formulas for plurisubharmonic extremal functions"
Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 H. Miyachi "Toward Complex analysis on Teichmüller space"
16:15-17:15 M. Amano "Some coordinates of Teichmüller spaces induced by Jenkins-Strebel differentials"
- Friday, March 29th
9:00-10:00 Y. Shinomiya "Simple closed geodesics on hyperelliptic translation surfaces"
10:15-11:15 M. Adachi "On a hyperconvex manifold without non-constant bounded holomorphic functions"
You will find the abstracts below (Download):