Registration and Abstract submission


All participants (either in person or online) should register by completing this form. Participants non-exempt from the fee (see below for list), need to additionally complete one of the two additional registration forms at

- Conference fee including Workshop dinner

- Conference fee not including Workshop dinner

and pay the registration fee through there. Participants exempt from the fee (i.e. PhD students, Postdocs, invited speakers, University of Leeds staff, online participants) should not complete the additional forms at the link. If you do not belong to one of the exempt categories listed above but think you should be exempt from the fee, please email one of the organisers.

In the first form, you should indicate whether you would like to give a contributed talk. If you later change your mind about the answer to this question please email one of the organisers.

We have limited Accommodation and Travel costs fundings for PhD students and Early Career Researchers. Update: all the available funded rooms have now been allocated following a first come first served basis.


Abstract submission for contributed and flash talks is now closed. If, after completing the registration form, you change your mind about giving a talk, please email one of the organisers about it.