2-5 May 2023

Refined invariants 

in Moduli Theory

SISSA - University of Trieste


The registration the event is free but mandatory, follow the link. We cannot cover travel and accomodation expenses for the participants.

Local accommodation

Participants are to arrange their accommodation independently. We can recommend for instance Hotel alla Posta, just in front of Piazza Oberdan. More generally, any accommodation in that area is both close to the historical city center and to the stop of the Bus 38 that goes to SISSA.


The event on May 2-4 will take place at SISSA (Via Bonomea 265). To get to SISSA by bus, take bus number 38 from Piazza Oberdan (departure station) and get off... at SISSA (last stop). It takes approximately 15-20 minutes and it runs every 20 minutes (both ways). The schedule is here.

The event on May 5 will take place at the University of Trieste (Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Via Valerio 12/1). To get there, take bus number 4 from Piazza Oberdan. The schedule is here.

Bus tickets can be bought in Piazza Oberdan (look for the "Giornalaio" in the middle of the square). You can also pay on the bus via the app Tplfvg or via sms, if you trust this technology.