Thanks for the reply guys.From my understanding only workbench 2.0 and above can read PC formatted disk.I only have 1.3v I recently upgraded the bios to 3.1 but my amiga has been giving me errors so i am thinking i got a bad rom chip.I will try what you said and let you know what happends with the orginal rom chip.

Thanks Icbrkr.I sent you a pm.let me know if you get it.I bought an 3.1 rom and the workbench disk for it but it has been giving me errors.I would like to try the workbench for the V1.3 and see if everything is working right.Thanks for you help guys.This turned out alot harder than I thought it would be.I have a null cable and Amiga Forever ready to go when I get everything working right and when I figure all this out

Workbench 31.adf Download

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I have been very interested in getting into the Amiga scene, but I have

had some problems and wanted to ask for some guidance. When I first learned

of Amiga emulation I got very excited, because I always wanted to have an

amiga, but I couldn't afford one back when they were popular. One website

"Amiga Emulation Zone" that used to be run by Shane Monroe, really sold me

onto the Cloanto "Amiga Forever" software package. This package was supposed

to let me run an emulated Amiga legally and I was all for that. Since I

never had an amiga before, I really did not know how to use it and pretty

much stopped messing with it after a month. I couldn't get deluxe galaga to

work (which I really wanted to play) and had no idea what commands to run

from the command prompt. So I had paid for something that I could not use

(It was only $19.95, so no big deal) Well recently I tried to use the Amiga

in a box software enhancement which supposedly can help amiga newbies

actually use the amiga, but it has a requirement that says I need the 3.1

Workbench ADF file. Well it turns out that Amiga forever only provides an

adf file for workbench 1.3, and the workbench 3.1 is pre-installed (I guess

that means it's an hard disk image). I think the 4.0 upgrade of amiga

forever might have the adf I need, but I feel the $19.95 upgrade price is a

little high, especially if it does not help me run the Amiga in a box

upgrade. Is there a way for me to convert the workbench 3.1 files provided

by amiga forever into an adf file? I feel that cloanto is trying to rip me

off (I mean they want me to pay full price for an upgrade of software I

purchased 6 months prior to the upgrade?). I am sorry if I posted an off

topic question to this newsgroup.Eric--

You know, since my last answer to you I figured you're just lazy and

clicking on

something called README on the main page next to the AIAB download

links might be difficult so here. -readme.txtStill lazy? Ok excerpt from the web page readme"NB: If you have AmigaForever, please read the Docs\AmigaForever-readme.txt

file now!

~~ ~~~


---------------1. Load WinUAE from wherever you installed it (Ie: C:\WinUAE\WinUAE.exe)2. Click "OK" on the WinUAE gui - thats right, DONT FIDDLE ABOUT!

 You can edit/load the other configs to your hearts content later!3.

 After a short wait, youll see some text, and a prompt to press return.

 Press return and a requester stating 'No disk present in drive 0'. At

 this point you'll need to insert your Workbench 3.1/3.0 ADF: [The

hardest bit] 3.1 Press F12 to bring up the WinUAE GUI.

 3.2 Click the 'Floppies' page tab.

 3.3 Click the file-requestor button (...)

 3.4 Find and select your Workbench 3.1/3.0 ADF (ie: WB31.adf)

 3.5 Click "OK" - the WinUAE GUI will disappear, and wait. NB: If you're using AmigaForever and dont have a Workbench 3.x ADF, please

 ~~ take a look at the readme in the Docs\ folder for a solution (of

sorts)."STILL LAZY? OK here is the exact item the web page readme directs

you to.

Workbench 3.1 remains true to the look and feel and the feature set ofthe last Workbench by Commodore/Amiga, including support for 3.0 ROMs andthe ability to boot from floppy disks. For maximum compatibility, no newROM functionality is provided in the disk set.

 The floppy disk set can be used alone (to boot and use the system),or to create a new hard disk installation, equivalent to the Amiga ForeverClassic Support hard disk image. Enhancements include the installationof workbench.library, Installer 44.10 and FastFileSystem 45.9.

This tutorial gave you a basic overview of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. Using a workbench, you created several projects, and defined the WebLogic server, created a managed bean and some JSP pages using it, and run the application on the server.

Hi all im a new amiga user and have a amiga 500 i understand i need a new kickstart rom to be able to load workbench 3.1

im not sure what the rom does or what it contains as i thought you could just boot the os from a disk?

if i find a new modern kick start rom where does this live on the board and will it break compatibility with older software and games?

what are some useful workbench 1.3 software or do people not use this anymore?

Thanks all i have the gotek but i really just want it to be able to play non aga games and run a nice version of workbench so i can use office software ect.

i have the 512k ram expansion that came with the computer is this slow ram? and if so how do i upgrade the ram as the only port i know is the trapdoor expansion.

it would be nice to play aga games ect. bit as others have mentioned i will most likely need a 1200

You'll have to decide what kickstart/workbench you want to run. Version 3.1 is the last original Commodore Amiga kickstart. You can run Amiga OS 3.1, 3.5, and 3.9 with it. 3.1 is very common to run. There's also Hyperion versions of 3.1.4 and 3.2. I run 3.1.4 myself -- 3.2 just came out and I've seen some people have issues with it depending on their mods/upgrades. For the Hyperion OS's mentioned, you run the corresponding kickstart ROM with them.

If you just want to run a nice version of workbench and boot games via the Gotek (which would be the cheapest option), you can use a IDE68K for installing the OS to a CF card. A whole variety of programs/software can also be installed to the CF card and run from it.

hi thanks all im very much set on keeping this pc original as possible. i just want to run workbench 3.1 so what kickstart rom do i need? what is the benefit of amiga os over the original workbench?

also in regards to the Blizzard 1230 where does this expansion plug into? can i run workbench 3.1 or amiga os without IDE68K also where does IDE68K plug into?

sorry im a noob at this im more of a dos/commodore 64 person

For workbench 3.1, you use the kickstart 3.1 ROM. You can buy one, or burn your own with a chip programmer. It replaces the currently installed one. There are also kickstart switchers that you can use a toggle switch to swap ROM versions before booting. But if you go with an accelerator board, some of them have built-in kickstart switching too.

Hi All im still fairly new to to Amiga scene and was wondering what the best music player for a Amiga 500 would be.

i have kick start 1.3 the base 512k of ram and the extra 512k of ram 

i was would like to play formats like MOD / XM / S3M / IT 

i was also wondering if i upgraded my kick start rom if i would still be able to play most amiga games and not break compatibility.

Also how hard is it to add a hdd to the Amiga and install a later version of workbench.


A sturdy foundation for any project, this 4' wide workbench features a solid hardwood top with a 3,000-lb max distributed weight capacity. The heavy duty, welded steel legs feature a hammered granite finish and adjust easily to provide the proper working height for any project.

I have a suggestion for the PUAE Amiga emulator. At the moment I consider PUAE by far the best way to play Amiga titles but with the exception of one area and that is it is just about impossible to run a workbench disk and have a hard disk folder attached unless you know how to script a config file (.uae) or compile a WHDLoad file yourself. 17dc91bb1f

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