Thanks everyone for your help. Seems you were correct pathDongle, it appears the ontime events that hadn't been triggered were remaining scheduled after the workbook was closed. I presume they must eventually reset when Excel itself is closed or when the computer is re-booted. I've added the following which appears to have now addressed the issue:

I'm thinking I might add similar code to the end of the DailyAM and DailyPM sub routines before they get called again at the end of those subs. I'm thinking that if I open the workbook at 6pm, then 4pm ontime event would otherwise also end up scheduled twice on the following day.

Ontime Az

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Options to ontime control the cycle of a job, choose between a local time andUTC, enable to keep track of the last day of a month and so on. In explainingoptions, each section header shows the option it explains and its defaultvalue in parentheses.

ontime determines the cycle of a job based on the format of time expressions.The time expression basically has the form of anISO-8601 Date Format,YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss where YYYY indicates a year, MM a month, DD a dayof the month, hh an hour, mm a minute and ss a second, except that:

In order to keep the model and the interface simple, a single type of job cycleis allowed for each invocation of ontime. Mixing different cycle types can beachieved by introducing multiple invocations to ontime as in:

ontime launches a job on its scheduled time. If the job takes longer than thetime interval of the cycle, more than one instance of the job may run at thesame time. The single option keeps another instance of a job from starting ifthere is already a running one.

It is sometimes necessary to run a job on the last day of each month, whichhave been replaced with doing it on the first day of each month instead. Bysetting the keepLast option to true, ontime automatically adjusts thedate part(DD) to the last day according to the value of the month part(MM)if necessary.

Hi there, I have a file that caulclates the if a delivery was late or ontime to each station in a factory. I have cauluted each delivery state being either late or ontime. I have other columns calculating the total numver of lates and ontime deliverys. Also I have the total number of deliverys made to each station.

I am having an issue getting a macro to run while using application.ontime. The macro itself works if i call it alone, but i get the error (Attached Snip) stating that the macro is either "Not available" or "All macros are disabled." I know this not to be true, because the macro works alone, while all the other macros work fine as well. Please see code below: 17dc91bb1f

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