When Can You Claim Injury At Work?

Workplace accidents can cause serious injuries. If you were hurt at work, you may be able to claim compensation from your employer. However, you must know your rights and protect your legal rights.

Injured employees may be entitled to worker's compensation benefits. However, employees who file worker's compensation claims are required to prove that the accident that caused their injury happened at work. If you believe that your injury occurred at work, you need to consult a New York work injury lawyer.

At Work Accidents Injury Law Firm, we have handled a wide range of work accidents cases. We have been successful in helping clients receive full compensation for injuries suffered in New York. Our attorneys represent injured workers in both New York and Pennsylvania. We have successfully handled numerous cases related to:

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Cervical Spine Injury

• Concussion/Brain Injuries

• Compensable Falls

• Complex Injuries

• Construction Site Accidents

• Cranial & Brain Injuries

• Craniotomy

• Degenerative Disc Disease

• Death At Work

• Delayed Onset Injuries

• Dermatitis

• Disabilities

• Electrical Injuries

• Eye Injury

• Fractures

• Head Injuries

• Hemorrhagic Strokes

• Hearing Loss

• Heart Attacks

• Hepatitis

• Infections

• Intracranial Bleeds

• Internal Bleeds

• Irritation/Irradiation

• Joint Disorders

• Knee Injuries

• Lacerations

• Leg Injuries

• Lower Back Injuries

• Muscle Strain

• Neck Injuries

• Neuropathy

• Neurological Impairments

• Neck Injuries

• Ocular Injuries

• Opiate Overdose

• Other

• Pneumonia

• Poisoning

• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

• Pulmonary Injuries

• Puncture Wounds

• Radiation Exposure

• Reactive Arthritis

• Repetitive Motion Injuries

• Respiratory Injuries

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Shingles

• Slip and Fall Injuries

• Spinal Cord Injuries

• Sprains

• Stress Injuries

• Stroke

• Swelling

• Tendon Injuries

• Tinnitus

• Torn Cartilage

• Trunk & Back Injuries

• Ulcers

• Vertebral Injuries

• Whiplash

• Workplace Ergonomics

• Workers Compensation

Our New York workplace accident lawyers offer free consultations to injured workers. Contact us today for more information.

How To File For Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation benefits can be difficult to obtain, but they are available to employees who are injured at work. Many people don’t understand how to file for workers’ comp.

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to consult a lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can help you understand the law and make sure you get the benefits you deserve.

You may be eligible for workers’ comp if your injury occurred while you were performing your job duties or if the injury occurred at work. If you feel you are entitled to workers’ comp, contact a lawyer to discuss your options.

Here are some things to consider when you need to file for workers’ comp.

First, make sure you have documentation of your injury. You will need to show the date of the injury, how you hurt yourself, and what you were doing at the time. Make sure you keep all of this documentation safe and accessible.

Next, make sure you have your health insurance card and your paystub to show that you are covered by your employer’s insurance plan.

If you are unsure whether you are eligible for workers’ comp, ask your employer or a lawyer. You may be able to get workers’ comp without having a doctor’s note or an accident report.

If you are unable to work, and you feel you are entitled to workers’ comp, ask your employer or a lawyer what documents you need to provide.

You may be able to get workers’ comp without seeing a doctor. You should still tell your employer that you need to see a doctor. If you are unable to work, you can file for workers’ comp with the help of a lawyer.

Make sure you tell your employer about your injury. If you are not sure, ask your employer or a lawyer.

Injured on the job? Contact a lawyer for advice.