What Are 6 Common Workplace Accidents?

Workplace injuries can be a cause of much pain and suffering for the worker and his or her family. Whether the injury is due to a work related accident or not, the worker has an obligation to seek medical attention after an accident at work. The doctor must diagnose the condition and then provide treatment. If the injury is due to negligence, then workers comp may be available to help with the medical bills and any lost wages.

Workplace accidents can happen to anyone and many times are completely preventable. Here are six common workplace accidents and how to avoid them.

1. Falls

Falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. If someone falls while working, they are required to immediately report the fall to a supervisor. A supervisor should be able to recognize when someone is injured and to offer assistance. If you or someone you know has fallen at work, then you should report the incident to the company immediately. If there are any broken bones, then the worker should seek medical attention.

2. Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are another common type of workplace injury. Slips and falls can occur when a worker steps into a puddle of water, slips on a spill or trip over a piece of trash. If the worker falls, then he or she should immediately call for help and then seek medical attention.

3. Electrical Shock

Electrical shock is another type of workplace injury that can be very serious. An electrical shock occurs when electricity passes through a person. Electrical shocks can result in burns and electric shock injuries. An electric shock can happen to a worker when they come in contact with live wires, faulty wiring or a malfunctioning electrical device. If an employee comes in contact with a live wire, they should be careful and seek medical attention immediately.

4. Machinery Malfunctions

Machinery malfunctions are another common type of workplace accident. There are many different types of machinery that can malfunction. Some of the most common types of machinery are elevators, escalators, forklifts, and machines. If machinery malfunctions, then the workers should take precautionary measures and seek medical attention.

5. Chemical Exposure

Chemical exposure is another type of workplace injury. Some chemicals can cause illness and injury. The most common type of chemical exposure happens when someone is exposed to a chemical that is being used in the workplace. If an employee comes in contact with a chemical, they should immediately seek medical attention.

6. Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders are another type of workplace injury. Musculoskeletal disorders happen when the body parts that support the spine and the muscles are damaged or hurt. The most common type of musculoskeletal disorder is carpal tunnel syndrome. Workers that have repetitive motions can experience this type of musculoskeletal injury. If someone experiences this type of musculoskeletal disorder, then they should seek medical attention.

Injured On The Job?

When someone is injured on the job, he or she may be entitled to a worker’s compensation claim to obtain medical treatment and receive money to cover lost wages. When the injury is severe, the worker may have a personal injury lawsuit against his or her employer to seek money damages. The worker may be entitled to both types of claims at the same time.

Personal injury lawyers help people who have been hurt in accidents and wrongful deaths. When a person is hurt, whether in an accident or by being exposed to toxic chemicals or dangerous equipment, he or she may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of income, and other damages.

The law requires that employers and workers’ compensation insurance companies pay for certain injuries that happen on the job, even if the injuries aren’t caused by negligence. Workers’ compensation cases are handled differently than personal injury cases. Personal injury lawyers are able to collect money for clients even if they don’t win their case.

A worker’s compensation lawyer can help the worker and the employer decide if the worker is entitled to compensation. A personal injury lawyer can help the injured worker sue for additional money. Sometimes, workers are eligible for both compensation and a personal injury lawsuit.

How do I file a claim for work injury?

When a person is hurt on the job, he or she should report the injury to the employer immediately. The employee should get medical care from a health professional, who will write a statement about the injury. The employee should get this written statement from the health professional before he or she files a claim with the workers’ compensation insurer. If the employee doesn’t get the statement from the health professional, he or she can ask the doctor to write one.

How much does it cost to file a claim for work injury?

In New York State, it costs $250 to file a claim for work injury. This fee is waived if the worker is covered by a private health insurance policy. The worker should submit the completed claim form to the workers’ compensation insurer within six months of the injury. The insurer will pay the fees if the claim is valid.

What is the difference between workers’ compensation and personal injury lawsuits?

A worker’s compensation claim is handled by the workers’ compensation board. An attorney can help the worker file a claim, but the lawyer can’t make sure the claim will be approved by the workers’ compensation board. After the claim is approved, the worker gets a check from the insurer. The attorney can help the worker deal with the insurer and make sure the worker gets the medical treatment and compensation he or she needs.

A personal injury lawsuit is a legal claim that the worker has against the employer for the worker’s injuries. The worker can sue for damages, including pain and suffering, medical bills, and other expenses. In some cases, the worker may also be able to recover for any emotional distress that he or she suffered.