Call for abstracts
The goal of the workshop is to build awareness of the replication crisis in linguistics and recommend specific interventions to improve it. Submissions will not just make it clear that there is a replication crisis, but also the factors associated with replicability and the greater consequences of low replication rates.
The goal of the workshop is to build awareness of the replication crisis in linguistics and recommend specific interventions to improve it. Submissions will not just make it clear that there is a replication crisis, but also the factors associated with replicability and the greater consequences of low replication rates.
We encourage submissions on topics involving replication in the language sciences, including, but not limited to: Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta scientific analysis of the literature, replication studies, methods showcases and simulations, and/or pre-registrations and registered reports as they relate to replication.
We encourage submissions on topics involving replication in the language sciences, including, but not limited to: Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta scientific analysis of the literature, replication studies, methods showcases and simulations, and/or pre-registrations and registered reports as they relate to replication.
General presentations will occupy 30 minute time slots, with a 20 minute presentation period followed by 8 minutes for questions and 2 minutes for the changing of speakers.
General presentations will occupy 30 minute time slots, with a 20 minute presentation period followed by 8 minutes for questions and 2 minutes for the changing of speakers.
A 90 minute poster session will offer the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion with others in the field. Posters are especially effective for presenting work-in-progress or visually displaying results of empirical research..
A 90 minute poster session will offer the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion with others in the field. Posters are especially effective for presenting work-in-progress or visually displaying results of empirical research..
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (not including titles, references, and figure captions), and will be reviewed in the double-blind procedure by members of the organizing committee. Please anonymize the author's information on the abstract before submitting it.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (not including titles, references, and figure captions), and will be reviewed in the double-blind procedure by members of the organizing committee. Please anonymize the author's information on the abstract before submitting it.