The word word has a wide range of meanings and uses in English. Yet one of the most often looked for pieces of information regarding word is not something that would be found in its definition. Instead, it is some variant of the question, What makes a word a real word?

One of the most prolific areas of change and variation in English is vocabulary; new words are constantly being coined to name or describe new inventions or innovations, or to better identify aspects of our rapidly changing world. Constraints of time, money, and staff would make it impossible for any dictionary, no matter how large, to capture a fully comprehensive account of all the words in the language. And even if such a leviathan reference was somehow fashioned, the dictionary would be obsolete the instant it was published as speakers and writers continued generating new terms to meet their constantly changing needs.

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However, in preparing your own writings, it is worth remembering that the dictionary encompasses the most widely used terms in English. Words that are left out may have usage limited to specific, isolated, or informal contexts, so they should be used carefully.

Microsoft Office applications under Windows provide no real mechanism for placing PDF content at full quality. When you do attempt to import PDF, what you actually end up is a screen resolution, low quality raster image representation of the PDF you are importing, not the original, high quality content. Simply stated, Microsoft Office can't handle the graphically rich imaging model of PDF, only raster images and crippled vector formats such as WMF and EMF. Sorry!

A lot may depend on the resolution of the picture. If it is rather low resolution, then the process of the software try to do the interpolation to display at other than 100% or maybe 50% may have mixed results. The 94% I am showing above is not necessarily a good idea. This was a selection from a students MS thesis.

Sounds like you might want to export the PDF to WORD and insert it instead of trying to view the PDF itself. When you do that there are options (settings on the save page) that make a difference in the conversion WRT layout and text flow, etc.

I'm getting the same trouble here. And from the answers I got from Microsoft support, the problem is based in how Acrobat Reader renders itself within the Word document based on screen/printer resolution.

Apparently, when rendering the PDF into a bitmap for printing/screen, Acrobat Reader doesn't correctly compute resolution or doesn't provide an appropriate clipboard format when an OLE application, like any Microsoft Office application, calls the OleCreateFromFileEx / OleCreateFromDataEx / OleCreateLinkEx / OleCreateLinkToFileEx / OleCreateLinkFromDataEx functions on the PDF file.

Sorry, but Microsoft Support clearly doesn't understand the issues involved. The only clipboard formats that Microsoft applications understand are a miniscule subset of the PDF imaging model. As such, Acrobat / Reader out of necessity put content in the clipboard as a raster image, roughly the equivalent resolution as a screen shot. There is no other way of transferring data to the Microsoft applications.

Thank you for your useful responses Dov. Can I ask why I am able to successfully import pdf format images into the Mac OSX version of Microsoft Office (versions 2016 and 2017)? I am able to simply drag and drop pdf files into Word and the resulting image is rendered and printed as a high quality vector-based image. I can zoom in on the image within OSX word and the image is perfectly rendered. I am able to significantly enlarge then crop the image and it is perfectly rendered and printed. What is OSX doing that Windows isn't?

Mac OS has PDF built in. PDF is a valid clipboard format. On the Mac, Office can just say "display this PDF" and it will be shown at the quality of the Mac's PDF engine. This doesn't involve any Adobe technology. Basically, Windows does not include any of this technology, and PDF is therefore not a viable quality graphical choice in Office.

If Acrobat Reader implemented the corresponding COM interfaces correctly, everything would work like a charme. As it does with many other programs that correctly implement the necessary OLE COM interfaces.

OLE, i.e. Object Linking and Embedding, does similar what you have described for Word on MacOS: It simply passes rendering of the embedded (placed) PDF object through to Acrobat. It's Acrobat itself that does the rendering within the Word document.

From the video you can see that Acrobat Pro is currently still lacking the implementation of editing a PDF object right from within an OLE container, i.e. the MS Word application. Currently, Acrobat Pro only provides an option to edit the embedded PDF object by launching a separate Acrobat Pro window.

1) Word "compresses" saved image files when you save the file... by lowering their resolution. Ugh! To get rid of this in Word: File + Options + Advanced, scroll down to Image Size and Quality, check the box that says Do Not Compress Images in File. Note that it's a PER-FILE setting by default.

It copies images from Word at the full resolution of the image in the PDF, or you can paste in pages (or parts of pages) in vector quality. Either way, there's no loss of resolution. Of course if the original source-document resolution was down-sampled by the PDF creator, that's the best resolution you can get from the PDF. Bonus: with the addin you can automate the process with Mail Merge variables.

Another workaround is to expand your PDF file in Adobe Reader to full screen and take a snapshot of the image or information you want to insert. Then simply paste that image into your Word document. I've found that method to provide a clearer image than importing the PDF as an object. Plus, you can eliminate unwanted white space this way.

This seems like quite an old issue. Has Microsoft shown any incentive in the meantime to fix this? I am just struggling with the same issue. Are there any alternative programs similar to MS Word that fully support the integration of PDFs?

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In my opinion, the word N****r, bitch and Ho have been used in rap music ever since i was a lil girl. It's the rappers choice if they want to use these terms......and if its not really hurting anybody, then i don't really think thats there is much of a problem. However if anybody who wasn't black was to call me a n****r i would be highly offended, and the same aplies if someone was to call me a bitch or a ho. so if the dis is on me then it bothers me.


Ok so if Hip Hop was born as a response to the oppression of marginalised groups, a way to make unherad opinions and voices finally heard then surely censorship of particular artists because of the choice of language (be it ignorant or not) is surely a backwards step? Is freedom of speech a cornerstone of Hip Hop? I reckon so, BUT I also think that the fundamental principles of PEACE, LOVE and UNITY were lost bare time ago.... it's gone too far man. Hip Hop is already dead.

Complex Shun

Well is it not part of the problem? The use of the word and it's social use can't be seperated, as long as it's used in popular music people will repeat it, the more it's repeated the more comfortable people feel saying it. Remember hip hop isn't just music it's a culture look at words like "Bling" created by hip hop and now they've crossed over into mainstream use. I'll re-iterate I can't understand how using the word empowers the user, how can using a word which labels me, you and your friends inferior and only capable of slave labour be anything but embarrassing and humiliating for everyone concerned, in the same instance how can you justify being angry at someone calling you by something you label yourself?


i think hip hop artists will be thrown off track if they cant use the n word, i dont mind it if its used in the right way, i dont like any acts of racial abuse and i dont like the n word used against black people. i think some black people have started using the n word to show the racist people that they dont care about the word or it means nothing to them


if every1 is saying it and its only people like producers that are moaning then y complain..they are saying it about eachother and if they feel the need 2 say it then y not say it i a way that through cultural similarities others wont take it as an offense..i think it is better said through music than somewhere where it can be thought as a real racial remark!!!.....hummmm got me tinkin!


The word is not part of my daily vocabulary yet most of my favourite artists use it heavily and some friends lightheartedly. It doesn't bother me and i don't pay too much attention to it. But it embarrasses me to here other black peeps trying to justify usage of the term as if its something we should be proud of...."yo we can use it man cause it means we stronger now and we switched the term on em cause we kings yo"....totally ignoring its association with slavery and the fact it was a term used to degrade black people. The term doesn't bother me but I feel like an idiot trying to justify its usage and telling other people they aren't allowed to say it but I am. I think Russell Simmons is a hypocrite but I do feel artists need to look towards moving forward and saying stuff with more substance and intelligence... 152ee80cbc

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