It will be happiest on a fairly modern laptop or desktop PC (e.g. ones bought in the last 4 years). Or an Intel Mac if you install Windows on it. You will need 100 Mb disk-space and 1GB of RAM as a minimum. Installing WordSmith If you download the self-extracting setup.exe file, just run it: it will help you expand the contents into c:\Program Files\wsmith8 or wherever you choose. All the files must be put in the same folder.To install, all you need do is be sure you have all the files in the same folder. (Of course you can put your wordlists and concordances wherever you like, eg. in sub-folders of \wsmith8 or on quite different drives; you only need ensure all the program files -- the ones you downloaded -- are in the same place.)To start using WordSmith 8, run \wsmith8\wordsmith.exe. You will be asked to agree to Terms & Conditions then will be taken to an updating window which will allow you to paste in the username and registration code. If you have never used WordSmith, you may find it best to choose Help | Contents | Getting Started, or | Overview in the menu. SAFE to install and run

WordSmith Tools is a recent release by Oxford University Press which assistsin the text analysis of either a single text or a large corpus. It features theusual concordancer, frequency and alphabetical list maker as well as otherinnovations which are likely to please both those wanting a Windows interfacefor the traditional concordancer and those seeking new tools. The program isdescribed as a 'Swiss Army knife' of lexical analysis, and its major aim is tostudy 'how words behave in texts'. In this review I intend to give a briefoverview of its analytical tools (Concordancer, WordLister, and KeyWords) andthen discuss some possible applications of the program.

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The Concordancer has a generous capacity-it can cope with up to 16,000lines, ten times higher than MicroConcord's limit. The creation of aconcordance is straightforward. A search word is entered, the texts defined,and 'go' selected. The Concordancer is integrated with the other WordSmithtools. Double-clicking on a word within another tool will call up a concordancefor that word.

The main analytical tool is the WordLister, the main function of which is tocreate and maintain alphabetical and frequency lists of words. The user canchoose to create an ordinary one-item-per-entry list, which is interesting initself, or, in my opinion, the much more exciting (though occasionallydifficult to create) 'cluster' word list, in which the entries are made up ofsequences of words as they appeared in the texts. The length of the clusterscan be determined by the user. The label 'cluster' was preferred by the authorto 'phrase' because the former does not imply a 'grammatical relation'. This isnot a trivial distinction because although many clusters will be self-standingexpressions (e.g. 'a trivial distinction' in this sentence) more often than notthey will not be (e.g. 'than not they'). The cluster list does not, however,cross sentence boundaries. This option is particularly relevant, for example,to language teaching where lexical phrases as opposed to individual words arerecognised as the building blocks of vocabulary. Thus, not only languageteachers but also students will find in 'WordList clusters' a very powerfultool for exploring the combinatory properties of vocabulary.

Given its range of applications, WordSmith Tools will soon find its way intothe classroom. Of all tools, perhaps it is the Concordancer which can mostreadily lend itself as a teaching or learning instrument. Those who have beenusing OUP's older product 'MicroConcord' should experience no problems usingthe new WordSmith Concordancer (assuming a familiarity with MS-Windows). TheConcordancer online help makes a few suggestions concerning its use forteaching (for example, generating concordances to establish word usage). Inaddition, teachers could use the program to prepare vocabulary learningactivities by blanking out the search word and then using the printedconcordance as a means for students to look for patterns of word association(e.g. Johns 1994).

This way, you can use as many relevant keywords as possible in your product title, bullets, description, backend search term field, and subject matter fields. How? Our Amazon keyword research tool helps you do all the analysis you need.

Although WordSmith 5 has not been made specifically with translators in mind, it does go a long way in meeting the needs of the translator.There are currently a variety of corpus analysis tools available. Some are commercially marketed; some are available as free downloads; some are especially designed for working with bilingual and multilingual parallel corpora; and some have been designed to access specific corpora (e.g. XAIRA, formerly called SARA, has been set up for the 100 million word British National Corpus).

However the fact is that, though some of the corpus analysis tools available today can serve as very useful translation aids, they have been designed primarily with linguistic researchers, computational linguists, lexicographers and language teachers rather than with translators in mind. Over a decade ago Jskelinen & Mauranen (2000) argued that a tailor-made translators' concordancer is needed before corpora can be adopted on a larger scale in the translation industry.

In addition to the concordancer, many programs, including WordSmith, comprise other features, such as a tool for generating word-lists, or a key word tool that can locate and identify words that occur with an unusually high frequency in your corpus when it is compared with another corpus. However the concordancer is of most direct use to the translator, and this is the tool that I shall concentrate on in this article.

WordSmith 5 has been programmed with the Windows operating system in mind, which seems to be the standard among corpus tools. However it can be run on a Mac by using a dual-boot system like Parallels or Boot Camp.

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I simply adore the product because I can see how it benefits users in terms of time savings, improved self-expression, and significant audience engagement. If you need assistance producing copy and content, especially if you're not very good at it to begin with, Ai-Wordsmith is a really useful tool. The templates are excellent for getting started, but they also allow for enough flexibility that I don't have to start from scratch each time I use them.

Ai Wordsmith has transformed not only marketing, but also communication in general. There is an art to utilizing words in a way that others will comprehend, and this fantastic tool greatly aids in this process. I'm not sure how I survived without it!

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Ai-Wordsmith is the best GPT-3-based copywriting tool I've tried. I put it through its paces by using it to help me produce a small Kindle book in a week, Ten-Figure Vision: Laying the Inner Foundation for an Extraordinary Company. It was useful for brainstorming and rapidly producing a rough draft. The output had factual mistakes and needed improvement, although it was a time saving. It will not put skilled copywriters out of work, but it will speed up workflow for those who overcome their fear and utilize it to supplement their expertise.

I'd want to thank the entire crew for this fantastic tool. I've been able to develop enough material for a franchise customer using Ai-Wordsmith that we can deploy 500 sites around the country before I need to make more without changing the formula.

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