Restoring your website to a previous backup using All In One WP Migration

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To restore your website to a previous version using All In One WP Migration do the following.

  1. Login into the administration area of your website.
  2. In the left-hand column click All In One WP Migration / Backups.
  3. When the page loads in you will see a list of backup files.
  4. NOTE: If you don't see any backup files list you will need to upload the backup file you wish to use to restore your website using FTP. The backup file needs to be uploaded to the server in public_html / wp-content / ai1wm-backups. Once you have done this you will see the backup file available in All In One WP Migration / Backups.
  5. To restore a site to a previous backup hover over the grey button to restore.
  6. Next you will see a warning that says:

The import process will overwrite your database, media, plugins, and themes. Please ensure that you have a backup of your data before proceeding to the next step.

Cancel | Proceed

Click Proceed to continue restoring your website using the backup file.