Barbara's Page

Creator God,

who made each of us in your image,

and who loves us in all of our fear and brokenness,

help us to recognize the value and worth inherent in everyone,

that we may see others as You see them,

and learn to love them as You first loved us.


Praise be to God for endings,

for the letting go,

the goodbye,

and the closed door.

Praise be to God for uncertainties,

the fork in the road,

the unanswered question,

the journey without a map.

Praise be to God for doubts,

for shifting sand,

for crashing waves,

for buffeting winds.

Praise be to God for the unknown,

for fog and clouds and misty days.

And praise be to God for faith and trust:

for the way the weather might change tomorrow,

for what might be around the bend in the road,

for the promise of solid ground, open doors,

and a welcome ahead.