I did some testing with different text inputs to see if I could produce an image with correct spelling and coherent/ legible lettering and wording. ( This whole post is specifically towards making images with WORD TEXT IN IMAGE )

In SOME scenarios, the more I tried to describe what I wanted in proper grammar and structure, it seemed like when I used the word THE Ai would treat the following (noun, verb, adjective) word like a new subject and mess up its interpretation.

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When I re-wrote it as (ex: Book is black and gold, book has title The journey)it has less confusion on subjects and understood more the "text" i wanted on the book and i got MUCH more consistent results and had the word THE written in 3/4 of some the images produced fairly properly and legible.

Basically it seems to have to do with WORD WEIGHTS ( how much the words are valued ) and what the AI focuses on when you have multiple words and different things/descriptions written in the prompt, so....

WORD WEIGHTS: One way this is done by adding double colons ( :: ) to the end of words( goose::1 eating tomato::3 ) will tend to focus weight MORE on the tomato and will produce different results than ( goose::3 eating tomato::1)( double:: after the word then the # value (space) no comma then next word ) example ( cat::4 )

This can also be done by adding the word multiple times in the prompt as the AI recognizes what to PRIORITIZE and FOCUS ON. It seems to have less weight then adding the double colons as it "adds to" more then it "prioritizes it" You can see I did this on the "LIFE" graffiti image and it worked but it would contradict what was somewhat Successful on the BOOK imagine because only ONE WORD was used. It was also a short word so less for the AI to interpret. THE JOURNEY may have confused the AI because

1.) The journey, the journey, the journey may have been seen as ADDITIONAL and different letters/ words VS. LIFE being one word repeating. 2.) LIFE vs THE JOURNEY. one word vs two words appears harder for the AI to differentiate3.) Length, numerical amount and difficulty seem to have an effect

PROMPT STRUCTUE: Similar to word weight, It seems the AI reads the sentence from the beginning and prioritizes those words MORE sometimes. ( cat wearing a hat ) is a bit different then ( hat on a cat) and the AI might focus more attention to detail on the CAT or the HAT.

If you put " beamed up by aliens" you might get aliens in the picture or a weird cow alien so be precise. This also says words multiple times for the ai to pick up on, and give it a scene to paint rather then guess.

This one didn't work, but I did want to show (as i had written above) that in certain prompts the word THE can be overused and confuse the AI. After a lot of trying and changing when i removed the multiple THE 's. Images produced has THE consistently written.

Also note that though the other/ second word " journey " is/are wrong. They are somewhat close to English words compared to some other prompt pictures you see that are complete nonsense, gibberish or not even letters.

setting is a book on a wood table:: book is black and gold, book has title written on the cover, title of book is the journey:: setting contains title of book on cover the journey --no spelling mistakes

If you look at the way i valued some of the words, AI favored them. In some pictures the actual background is the "journey" and you loose the table. In some the book itself turns into landscape because AI is overcompensation JOURNEY even though book came first in the prompt structure and is in the initial ::

This is only really for specifically for that as other pictures have been produced successfully and amazing without this prompt writing style. It is however the best way that I've found so far to make words

The AutoCorrect list applies across all the Office programs that support the AutoCorrect feature, which means that when you add or delete a word from the list in one Office program, the other Office programs are also affected.

Word for the Web supports AutoCorrect, but you can't add or remove words from the AutoCorrect list. If you have Word for the desktop, Go to Editing > Open in Desktop App and follow the steps on the Windows or macOS tabs.

This practice is grounded in research. A number of studies demonstrate that kids who are allowed to use inventive spelling learn to write more quickly, more fluently, and with a richer vocabulary than those who work under more rigid spelling expectations (Kolodziej & Columba, 2005).

Producing a finished piece of writing is a lot like putting on a polished musical performance: It requires the synthesis of many skills, some of which need to be handled separately. Imagine if a band conductor brought a brand-new piece of music to her band and expected all sections to play it together, perfectly, the first time. Even someone with no musical training can see that this is an unreasonable approach. Instead, if each instrument section starts by practicing their part separately, the performers will get really solid on their individual parts before pulling it all together to refine the complete performance.

This research summary concludes that direct instruction of spelling is quite effective in teaching students to spell correctly, and it reviews several methods for their effectiveness. Using these methods as part of a balanced literacy program that includes frequent writing and a TON of regular reading should help students become good spellers.

Yes! This happened to my son exactly as described. The whole language program masked his dyslexia early on and he never progressed but was allowed to succeed based on creative spelling. Then in fifth grade they started to penalize him for not being able to keep up. Demoralizing.

I found this really interesting,as we have bilingual children (English and Welsh), especially as my 6 year old is now practicing independent writing. It is something that I have learned just comes with practice, there is no point in getting uptight about it. I quite enjoying seeing the inventive spellings!

As a new entrant teacher with 20 years experience, I have seen children begin school with a range of abilities . Some are able to write a variety of words and others are unable to hold a pencil, have no alphabet or phonemic knowledge and are not able to recognise let alone write their own name.

When teaching new entrant children to write, I encourage them to use inventive spelling with their emerging phonemic knowledge as it also gives them a feeling of success. As their writing knowledge and confidence develops I insist they spell the Essential Spelling list 1 words/high frequency words correctly.

Thank you, Lillie!This was so helpful! I first learned English in Canada and often find myself "mixing up" American and British rules. It wasn't until recently that I learned that Canadian spelling is independent and consisting of both American and British rules! (normally including the "double L" rule and the "z" in words like specialize).

Lol I do have this issue in India is a Commonwealth country. Similarly, we have colour and color. Now I can say as long as you understand but when my kids were schooling I was after them for British spellings.

I was editing a document in Office Word 2007 on Windows XP and suddenly all sorts of words are underlined as misspelled. I go into Word options and it talks about French dictionary! In the preferences, my primary language is set to English (US) and that is only language set.

I encountered in PPT 2007 where I was typing text in and suddenly normal words, such as "your" and "windows", were being highlighted as being incorrect. I right-clicked on the misspelled words and the spelling showed what I beleive was French spelling. I looked at the main dictionary and English was selected.

As mentioned above, I also went into the REVIEW>LANGUAGE, scrolled through the list and selected English (US), even though it was already highlighted, and then clicked default. The wording that was marked as incorrect was now correct. I can only guess that I had accidently hit a key combination while typing that forced a different dictionary.

For example organisation verse organization. Our users would expect to be able to spell organisation the British English way and would consider it a bug if nothing came out of that result. They would not think to try spelling a word the Americanised way.

The final leg of the bee started with 16 spellers and lasted more than two hours. Students aced obscure words like lophophytosis, pseudepigrapha and ooporphyrin, while others struck out on loratadine, perduellion and paillasson.

It was 11:18 p.m. Forty-five minutes later, Rishik was a champion. So was Erin Howard. So were Saketh Sundar, Shruthika Padhy, Sohum Sukhantankar, Abhijay Kodali, Christopher Serrao, and, finally, Rohan Raja. The eight co-champions closed out the bee by spelling 47 consecutive words correctly.

There was plenty of concern after the bee ended in ties three years in a row, from 2014-2016, that the very best spellers might be too good for the bee. Scripps came up with a written tiebreaker test of both spelling and vocabulary, a solution no one was thrilled about. After two years in which the test wasn't needed, bee officials decided it was too burdensome on the spellers and got rid of it.

Mr. Bailly, the longtime pronouncer and the beloved public face of the bee, broke the news to a stunned crowd in a convention center ballroom outside Washington after the eight eventual champs had gone through two consecutive perfect rounds. 17dc91bb1f

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