Hey r/excel, THANK YOU so much for your support! 3 weeks ago, I shared my Excel plugin that lets you use ChatGPT in a formula. A few thousand of you tried it. It spread to LinkedIn, people made TikTok videos about it, someone even said they heard about it at a dinner party ? You can install it free here: numerous.ai/get

As Bio7 astutely points out, the error is related to the way in which the plugin expects data to be found within the results table. In a little more detail:

This code gets the results table a row at a time

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Thank you for your quick response.

I replaced the Read_and_Write_Excel-1.0.1 file in the plugin folder with the file in your second post but when i try to run the plugin from the plugin menu nothing happens. There is no error message, but there are no results comming into Excel.

I also tried to reinstall the vanilla fiji package for 64-bit windows system and update without installing the read and write excel plugin. After this I draged the plugin file into the drag-and-drop space and saved it into the plugin folder. This time when running the plugin i get this error message:

Thank you for your advise imagejan! That explains why the first and second try to run the plugin gave different results. Since Im a novice with macros in imageJ I just wanted to try different alternatives.

Sorry about the confusion.

Even though text import into Excel gives an extra step before further analysis, this is pretty easy to fix.

It saves me a lot of time and I am satisfied with the plugin.

I am trying to use this plugin for stacks but it is not working as I want, instead of copying the results for every image underneath is copying the info in the columns next, also I used it like this (ver1.1.2)

The plugin does not work on a Mac. Unfortunately the capabilities that we need for the plugin are not available for Excel on the Mac. We love Mac computers here at Domo but the MicroSoft tools are not very powerful in their Mac apps.

Hello. We have a very important workflow we do all the time in the previous versions of the ArcGIS for Office plugins. I finally had to get a new computer, and installed foung out we CANNOT use the new "Office 365" version of the Excel plugin, so we have to use the legacy 2022.1 version.

This plugin version has a drop-down menu for location type, so select "Geography". Then select 2022 ZIP Codes. This defaults weirdly to USA_Country, so change it back to USA_ZIP_Code. Then select the next drop-down selector for "ZIP Code" which is the field in the geography layer to bind to the ZIP column in your excel data. Weirdly, it forces you to turn it into a pivot table, and then select the column to style by.

The alternative workflow is load the excel file table up to AGOL, make it service, put it in a map, then do a JOIN with ZIP layer. But this is a lot more typing and fussing than it used to be, and quite time-consuming.


I found that there is a cool library that does this in javascript called Luckysheet.

So I spend the last days quickly building a plugin that uses lucky sheets to allow creating sheets in Joplin with all the great features already available in Joplin like Sync and Encryption etc.

This first iteration is a most viable product (MVP) but seems to work reliably in my private Joplin and do the job. Currently, it will open on a note with a special keyword (see GitHub readme), and once set-up sync all changes every 2 seconds to the markdown note as text, from where it is stored and will get picket up (parsed) on the next open.

In my very personal opinion, is it squaring the circle to store code as Markdown in a note and run it, to achieve in an additional window some excel functionality. This contradicts to the basic idea of Markdown, doesn't it?

I checked the plugin, the settings dialog, the command menus and your homepage. It seems to me that you assume that use of the plugin is obvious, but to me it isn't. So let's take an example. Joplin -> empty note just created -> I want to add a few lines, followed by a mini excel sheet (which does not yet exist). Let's say 4 x 6 table which looks like excel.

Where do I start ? (minimal user guide)

A few simple templates would help (e.g. on your homepage), ready for copy and paste ... For example

I do not see any menu commands to make changes to the table), so I assume it has to be written in markdown, or copied into markdown ? This limits the plugins usability to the ordinary user.

Went one step further, installed the plugin again, created a new note (empty), added JSheets to it, and then copied a few cells (3 x 4) from a real XCEL table into the note. The text from the notes is added to the note, but nothing else happens. This is certainly not what I expected.

I have installed Newest WinMerge and newest plugin(I copied the 2 fiels to WinMerge install dir and one to MergePlugins dir). But when I open two excel nothing happens and I see the ... compiled format and not excel.

In case you (like me) are unable to get the xdocdiffPlugin to work (looks like it does not work with the current WinMerge 2.12.4 version), you can use the "CompareMSExcelFiles.dll" plugin that is already included in WinMerge. It needs Excel installed on the same computer and is installed by default as long as the "Plugins" option was left checked in the Installer (select "Plugins->List..." to see if it is available).

An addition to the previous answer on using "CompareMSExcelFiles.dll": To use the default "CompareMSExcelFiles.dll" plugin, the xdocdiffPlugin (specifically the file "amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll") should not be installed - otherwise WinMerge tries only the amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll because it is alphabetically first. If it fails, the files are compared directly again.

I was searching for quite a bit to find a good PlugIn with that I can import a excel-file which contains attributes of a model into SketchUp. In the excel file, I want to write down attributes for objects like a excavator or a crane. The attibutes contain infomation like usage of petrol, or costs for one hour working time and this information should automatically go into a model in SketchUp. Later I want to export the model of the excavator as a ifc-file, so I can use it in other programs for calculating costs of a whole construction site.

Hi @DevoPanda

What would you recommend doing to correctly convert the numbers? I use a plugin to import CSV that generates a json result, in which the user can see the result in your Json table plugin.

I want to gauge how much interest is there in a convenient to use load data.frame into Excel RStudio plugin, so you can just use a keyboard short-cut to bring up a search box, which shows you all the data.frames and you just choose one to export and it exports it to Excel and opens Excel for you.

We have also found that the OneStream Addin likes to be installed first. We would uncheck what the user had, re-install OneStream next, and then the rest (restarting excel at each stage just for good measure). Don't know if this will work for you, but it might be worth a shot.

I have created a few custom fields in what we call a Portfolio Item. Rally is able to display them fine but when I try to use the excel plugin to generate a report, they are not in the list of columns that I can select to include. Other custom items are there that were created by others, but I don't see the ones that I created. Am I simply missing something when I created them inside Rally or is there more to it. Is it a permissions issue? I am kinda lost as it isn't the most intuitive tool.

Our Excel plugin is currently unable to export or import fields of that type. It also unable to import Milestones. The plugin still uses an older version of our API, that doesn't include these fields.

I was rooting for shifting our different tracking process onto Rally, but only with the assumption that the excel plug-in will be able to export all fields and help in tracking. And this is after finding out that the regular export option doesn't export everything.

Right now it gives me the names of the teams if which a person belongs. That is what I was looking for. If the new excel plug in will only show the count, then this is a problem for my organization. I can look at the community app, but generally our organization stays away from those, because of the support needed. We are an On Prem shop.

Thank you for asking, I have been searching this forum all day with no luck on this. Our users are very familiar with extracting data directly within excel using the Historian Add-In and many of our engineers have made their own fancy spreadsheets for doing all kinds of data analysis. As we transition to Ignition in the next few months, this is going to be a huge roadblock for us I think. I was really hoping maybe someone had created some custom add-in or macros posted on the exchange site that we could use.

Big time saver and easy to use

ASAP utilities is something I cannot imagine living without as an avid Excel user. The tool makes it easy to do repetitive tasks or data transformation at the click of a button. It is very easy to use and would benefit a beginner excel user equally as well as an experienced person. I've introduced this tool to so many people and everyone loves it!

Ultimately your data import/update in Excel online will result in the attempted creation/updating of record(s) in Dataverse. So I would suggest writing your plugins for the target table against the Create and/or Update messages instead so that it triggers as each record is created/updated. Unless you have a specific need to validate the entire file, which I'm not sure is possible and, if it was, whether the same message/request would be applicable for both the data import and the update in Excel online. 17dc91bb1f

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