Summer Reading Challenge 2020

It is summertime and that means you can relax, lounge around, and read a really good book! So, here is WMS's Wildcat Readers Summer Challenge:


Introducing the Wildcat Readers Summer Challenge! For every 3 books a student reads and posts about on Instagram by August 28, they will be entered in a drawing to win a new Kindle or gift cards! To participate, for each book, students should share a picture on Instagram of what they are reading, follow and tag WoodmontMiddleLibrary and use the hashtags #WildCatReaders & #WoodmontRising. Students should also include their name and an opinion of the book in their post! A Google and paper form is also available below.

Some extra things to keep in mind when you take on the Summer Reading Challenge:

  • You can continue to check out ebooks/audiobooks on Sora and Destiny! Just sign in with your GCS username and password.
  • Don't forget about the SCJBA Nominees!
  • If you would like to complete a Google Form instead of completing the Challenge on social media, access it here.
  • You can also print a paper form here and return it to Ms. Fuller in the WMS Media Center in August.


You can check out books, ebooks, and audiobooks from Greenville County Library with a free library card!

Don't forget about Sora! You can read free ebooks and audiobooks! It is available on the App Store or on Google Play.