Service Hours
All members must complete a total of 10 service hours (5 in the community and 5 at school). Half of the hours must be completed and turned in by the December meeting. All 10 hours must be done and turned in by April 18th. Students must complete their service hours in order to attend our end of the year BASH!
Service hours are things that Beta's do outside of their own home to help others. Our motto is Let Us Lead By Serving Others.
Examples of service hours:
Volunteering at church, picking up litter, helping a neighbor or grandparent with a chore or task, volunteering at a community event, helping a teacher before or after school, volunteering at a community organization like Greer Relief, volunteer at Fall for Greenville. Chores are not service hours, that's just part of being a family. Students may not be paid for any of their volunteer hours.
You can volunteer at Beta events to earn school based hours. Some examples of Beta events are dances, decorating for the Daddy/Daughter - Mother/Son dance in February, and any other fundraisers we conduct.
If a student has a school leadership job they may count 3 hours as school based hours. Technically school based hours are performed outside of school hours. We want to reward students for the hard work they do with their school leadership jobs, but the jobs take place during school hours. Students will receive 5 school based hours for doing service projects at our September, October, November, December and March Beta meetings.
Click on the link below for a service hours sheet
If you need new forms, you can pick them up outside of Ms. Hill's classroom (507). When you have completed forms please bring them to Ms. Hill.