The Wood Cup 2020


The 2020 Wood Cup will take place on the weekend of the 25th/26th April at St Paul's School. For those unfamiliar with the event the tournament is the national club championship with teams comprising of four players and both doubles and singles being played in each match. As far as eligibility is concerned the organiser is happy for individuals to form into teams of 4 as they wish, there is no need to be playing reguarly together.

The majority of play will be held on the Saturday, with the final and potentially the semi finals held on the Sunday (depending on timings).

The Wiseman ball will be used. Matches will comprise of teams of 4 playing both singles and doubles against each other. Exact details on match format will be decided closer to the time and is dependant on entry numbers.

The organiser also hopes that players will join for the tournament dinner held directly after end of play on the Saturday!

Entry, Accommodation and Transport

Accommodation and transport details can be found on the Accomodation and Transport page

The entry fee is £40 per team and the preferred method for submitting an entry is by using the Entry Form. The last date for entries is Sunday 19th April, with draws to be published later that week via email and on this site.


If you would like further details or require any help please use the Contact Page.