I study biology and soft matter in the language of statistical physics and computer simulations.

Currently I am at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) as assistant professor.

Dr. Won Kyu Kim's Google Scholar

Research Highlights

Permeability of polymer membranes beyond linear response

Won Kyu Kim*, Sebastian Milster, Rafael Roa, Matej Kanduč, and Joachim Dzubiella*

Macromolecules (2022, Front Cover)

Active Diffusion of Self-Propelled Particles in Flexible Polymer Networks

Yeongjin Kim, Sungmin Joo,
Won Kyu Kim*, and Jae-Hyung Jeon*

Macromolecules (2022)

Polymer brush-induced depletion interactions and clustering of membrane proteins

Anvy Moly Tom, Won Kyu Kim*, and Changbong Hyeon

Journal of Chemical Physics, 

Invited Paper in Special Topic on "Depletion Forces and Asakura-Oosawa Theory"  (2021)

Tuning the selective permeability of polydisperse polymer networks

Won Kyu Kim*, Richard Chudoba, Sebastian Milster, Rafael Roa, Matej Kanduč, and Joachim Dzubiella*

Soft Matter (2020, Back Cover)

Tuning the permeability of dense membranes by shaping nanoscale potentials

Won Kyu Kim*, Matej Kanduč, Rafael Roa, and Joachim Dzubiella*

Physical Review Letters (2019)