
I am Won Joon Yun, an alumni of the School of Electrical Engineering at Korea University.

Research Interest
My research interest is driven by the quest to optimize applications — reducing delay, minimizing both computing and communication resource consumption, and enhancing efficiency. This pursuit centers on computational and communication network challenges and extends into the realm of quantum computing, which stands at the forefront of next-generation computational and communicative resources. Among the numerous facets of quantum computing, I am especially intrigued by the process of problem definition and resolution, even in the face of current challenges in applying these technologies to real-world contexts. As both a researcher and an engineer, my goal is to bridge the divide between the idealized Hilbert space and the constraints of modern quantum computers. I aim to develop scalable quantum machine learning algorithms that consistently showcase quantum advantage and to be at the forefront of translating Quantum AI into tangible real-world applications.


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» Quantum 

» Classical AI