Activities Offered
Wonders of Nature Activities
The natural world provides endless opportunities for learning. Some specific activities we participate in are: gardening, foraging and crafting nature art, shelter/den building, counting and spelling with natural objects, plant and animal track identification, playing musical instruments, starting fire, making homemade play dough, nature journaling, crafting bow and arrows, and using tools.
Preschool Program
Our Treeschool program is for students 3-5 years of age. This program offers a creative learning environment in which young children are able to play, explore, and learn without being confined in a traditional overcrowded classroom. Our maximum student:teacher ratio is 5:1, which allows for a warm and cozy environment that helps to stimulate a child's desire to learn. Small classrooms allow students to develop a better cooperative spirit and a stronger closeness with others. Our students get to better know and understand classmates, and this helps to foster more meaningful and lasting friendships. Our Treeschool activities include:
Child-led flow learning with a nature-inspired curriculum
Exploration of nature on a daily nature walk in the forest
Plant and animal identification and study
Foraging and crafting nature art
Physical, social, and emotional development
Language and literacy development
Survival skills
All things science and the natural world, etc
Our Treeschool program is currently open Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Please contact us for further information.
Wild Explorers Club
Our Wild Explorers Club is an enrichment program for homeschool students ages 5-12. This program offers an opportunity for students to develop new relationships while being present in the natural world around us. Wild Explorers Club activities include:
A long hike/nature walk in Pikes Peak National Forest
Nature journaling
Nature inspired curriculum
Nature arts and crafts
Survival skills
Starting and cooking on the fire
Crafting and using tools
Playing/singing music
And more!
Our Wild Explorers Club is currently open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30am - 3:30pm. Please contact us for further information.