WOodside Mosquito Project (WOMP)

WOMP is a neighbor-organized effort to reduce the local population of mosquitoes.

The Goal

Research has shown that deployment of traps in just HALF of yards in a community can reduce the number of urban Aedes mosquitos by over 80%! Our goal is to get as many residents as possible to deploy and maintain traps in their yards during mosquito months. Tiger mosquitoes have a range of 300 feet, so when immediate neighbors all use traps they can make a big impact!

How to Participate:

Buy traps

Recommended: 2 GAT traps, 1 Mosquitaire trap, or a set of both.

Use the order form here to get the Woodside discount from Biogents. (spring 2022)

Set up & maintain your traps (GAT)

It works best to put one in the front yard and one in the back. SETUP VIDEO Maintain the traps May-September (at least). The earlier in the season you get started, the more impact you can make!

Set up & maintain your traps (Mosquitaire)

VIDEO Maintain the traps May-September (at least). The earlier in the season you get started, the more impact you can make!

Eliminate standing water

Eliminate standing water on your property. TIPS HERE

Use Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito Dunks and Mosquito Bits are an effective and environmentally-friendly way to kill mosquito larvae in any standing water you can't get rid of. They're safe for pets, even fish ponds! You can buy them at hardware stores and other local shops, as well as online.

Talk to your neighbors!

Mosquitos travel (tiger mosquitos have a range of about 300 feet) so the more neighbors who participate, the fewer bites we'll all get this summer! Share info about this project with your next-door neighbors, to start.