


Arrival, tea/coffee


Welcome - Angeline Aow & Anne Fischer

About WomenEd - Sue Aspinall

Leadership Story - Andrea Rosinger - NAESP National Distinguished Principal 2017


Forum on Clarity

Moderator: Angeline Aow

Panelists: Sarah Kupke, Andrea Rosinger, Elke Paul


Clarity Chats & Networking




Breakout Groups & conversation corners - sign up on the day


  1. Sue Aspinall - More on the statistics & the power of networking with local event ideas
  2. Anne Fischer - Turning points and obstacles in leadership journeys
  3. Elke Paul - Positive Education strategies to help women leaders find clarity, purpose and meaning
  4. Edith Johnson - Be Her Lead: how to help female students while fueling your own career
  5. Angeline Aow - conversation corner from topic/s that arise from the morning's Clarity Forum (as needed)

we welcome any aspiring/existing women in educational leadership to lead a breakout or conversation




Forum on Community

Moderator: Anne Fischer

Panelists: Sue Aspinall, Andrea Rosinger, Edith Johnson



ESCP Women in Leadership programme course €1,000 voucher giveaway

Community Call-Out


Event ends

The following information is about the ESCP course €1,000 voucher.

Thank you to ESCP Berlin for the generous donation.

The 4-day programme is an opportunity for a women leader to work on your authentic leadership style and to improve your leadership presence, especially your negotiation and communications skills. Together with an executive coach, you create your personal action plan.

The combination of training, online-sessions after the programme and coaching maximises the learning impact.

Experienced ESCP Europe professors and top executive coaches such as Heidi Stopper (former board member, among others at a MDAX company) combine the latest insights from research with their own leadership experience.

You also become part of ESCP Europe´s community of female leader, founder and others who support diversity. This means a valuable network and inspiring community events (invitation only) during and beyond the programme. The winner will be invited to the next community event in Berlin.

The voucher is valid for the programmes in 2019:

o June 3 - 6, 2019

o November 12 - 15, 2019

For more details about the programme, please contact Corinne Greiner (, T + 49 30 320 07-106, LinkedIn)

ESCP photo credit: @ESCP Europe / Dan Tsantilis