

Military History

Photo Source: Wikimedia Common

Participation, Policy, and Perception

Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons

Recorded history shows women's participation in U.S. military service since the Revolutionary War, little past or contemporary representation gives full credit to female service. Frequently, their participation is watered down by misinformation supplemented with stereotypes and inferiorities woman are perceived to possess. This gender misinformation continues to plagued women’s military involvement and recognition to present day service. Women’s Military History matters because it is American history, but open almost any history or social studies book and few will include the immense service women have given to this nation.

Following wartime participation, women were and are to often expected to revert to traditional roles deemed appropriate by societal expectations. Just as other minority groups, women's roles in history have been an intricate part of shaping American history, understanding the participation of women in military service through the teaching of U.S. history impacts how we view the nation’s past, present, future, and most importantly ourselves.