Women in MathArt: Research, Creativity, and Teaching Conference

Joint with UCR Diversity and Excellence Workshop

October 16 - 17, 2021

A two-day virtual symposium of talks, group projects, and a talent show, to promote our new AWM Research Network Women in MathArt.

Please find the recorded parallel sessions II on the AWM Chapter at UCR youtube channel.

The aim of the conference is to amplify variations in mathematical thinking, showcase women researching mathematics and the arts and creative pedagogies, and to create a dynamically inclusive environment for researchers at all stages of their career to share their recent work and any living-proof retrospectives.

This conference is our first step towards creating a new research network Women in MathArt, whose goal is to be a resource for the artistic math community celebrating the empowering intersections between mathematics and the arts, and inviting space for members to learn from each other.

We acknowledge

The Institute for Advanced Study, Women and Mathematics Program

Lisa Simonyi

UCR Department of Mathematics

AWM Chapter at UCR

In Cooperation with AWM

This conference supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics."

AWM Statement of Welcoming Environment

It is the policy of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) that all participants in AWM activities will enjoy a welcoming environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. As a professional organization, the AWM is committed to fostering an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. In pursuit of that ideal, the AWM is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and treatment for all AWM members and participants in AWM-sponsored events, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race,

color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of AWM activities.

The Institute for Advanced Study, Women and Mathematics Program, and Lisa Simonyi

AWM Chapter at UCR

UCR Department of Mathematics

The Speakers

Plenary Talks

University of California, Riverside

Stony Brook University

ArtCenter College of Design

Murray State University

ArtCenter College of Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna


Pasadena City College

University of California, Riverside

ArtCenter College of Design

University of California, Riverside


ArtCenter College of Design

ArtCenter College of Design

University of California, Riverside

ArtCenter College of Design

AWM Chapter Talks

University of California, Riverside

University of California, Riverside

University of California, Riverside

Project Leaders

Maiko Serizawa

University of Ottawa

Claudia Maria Schmidt

California State University Los Angeles

Stephanie Lewkiewicz

Temple University

University of California, Riverside

Organizing Committee

Shanna Dobson, Chair

Stephanie Lewkiewicz

Maiko Serizawa

Website Credit

Image Credit

Dobson, Shanna. (2021). Artemis Blu II: Infinity Diamonds in Infinity Diapsalmata. Unicorn Solarium Press.

Credit: Shanna Dobson

Website Design Credit

Women in MathArt: Research, Creativity, and Teaching Conference

Credit: Shanna Dobson, Camille Korbut, Stephanie Lewkiewicz

Let us know if you'll be attending!