Other Conferences and Workshops in Geometry and Topology

Many conferences in Geometry are listed on the Geometry ListServ, as well as at http://calvino.polito.it/~chiossi/seminars.html.

Additionally, here below you can find a (far from comprehensive) list of upcoming and previous Geometry and Topology conferences:


MSRI semester long program on New Frontiers in Curvature: Flows, General Relativity, Minimal Submanifolds, and Symmetries, Fall 2024, Berkeley.


Women in Geometry 3, September 2023, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada.

Global Curvature and Shape, July 28--August1, 2023, U Muenster, Germany

Midwest Geometry Conference, March 3--5, 2023, Kansas State University

Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston 2023, Special sessions in: Differential and Metric Geometry, Geoemtric PDEs, New Developments in Diffrential Geometry and Topology, Recent Development in Partial Differential Equations Related to Geometric and Harmonic Analysis, and Recent Developments in Geometric Measure Theory.


Fields Institute Thematic Program on Nonsmooth Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometry, July--December 2022, Toronto, will include workshops on Geometry of Spaces with Upper and Lower Curvature Bounds (September 12--16, 2022), Mathematical Relativity, Scalar Curvature and Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry (October 3--7, 2022), and Aspects of Ricci Curvature Bounds (November 14--18, 2022).

Seminar Sophus Lie in Nordfordeid, June 19-22, 2022, in Norway:


Midwest Geometry Conference, March 11--13, 2022, Wichita State University

2022 Texas Women in Math Symposium (TWIMS), February 5-6 2022, Rice University. The deadline to apply for funding/to submit an abstract is Friday December 3rd 2021:


Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle 2022. Special sessions in: Lie Group Actions in Differential Geometry, Metric Geometry and Topology, and Women in Geometry.


Workshop on Special Geometries on Riemannian Manifolds, October 11-15, 2021, Montreal,


Global Curvature and Shape, August 2--6, 2021, U Muenster, Germany

AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Recent developments in Differential Geometry, Brown University, May 2021


Global Curvature and Shape, July 29--August 2, 2019, U Muenster, Germany

Women in Symplectic and Contact Topology, ICERM, 2019

Women in Geometry 2, BIRS-CMO Oaxaca, June 2019


ICM 2018: International Congress of Mathematicians, August 1 - 9, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Arborealization of Singularities of Lagrangian Skeleta, March 26-30, 2018, American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California

Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers, January 16 - May 25, 2018, MSRI, Berkeley, CA

Symplectic 4-manifolds through Branched Coverings, May 14-18, 2018, American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California

AMS Spring Sectional Meeting Special Session on Differential Geometry: Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

Workshop on Immersed Lagrangian Cobordisms, April 9 - 12, 2018, University of Ottawa, Canada

AMS-AWM Special Session on Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry, The Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 10-13, 2018, San Diego, CA

Joint Mathematics Meetings: January 10--14, 2018 in San Diego, California. 5 different special sessions in Geometry: Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Geometric Analysis and Geometric Flows, Metric Geometry and Topology, and Nilpotent and Solvable Geometry.


Tech Topology Conference, December 8-10, 2017, Georgia Institute of Technology

58th Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, University of Texas at Austin, November 17-19, 2017

2017 Midwest Geometry Conference: November 17--19 at Kansas State University

The Lloyd Roeling UL Lafayette Topology Conference, November 10-12, 2017, University of Louisiana at Lafayette