Call For Extended Abstracts

The goal of this workshop is to encourage the presence of women in AI and Finance and provide a platform for women to connect, present, and discuss careers and research in AI and Finance. This workshop will focus on topics in AI and machine learning in Finance. We accept all papers on research track, real-world industrial applications track, introductory track, on topics but not limited to the following

  • Algorithmic bias and fairness in AI and finance

  • Natural language processing in Finance

  • Explainability of machine learning in Finance

  • Security and Privacy in Finance

  • Synthetic data generation

  • Planning for financial services

  • Multi-agent modeling

  • Reinforcement learning in Finance

  • Time series analysis and forecasting

  • Anomaly and fraud detection

  • Econometric models and forecasting

  • Recommender systems and robot-advising

  • Risk management

  • Algorithmic trading

  • Customer service and virtual assistants

  • Format: Short papers (maximum 4 pages) and full papers (maximum 8 pages) excluding references.

  • Template:

    • The LaTeX template is integrated with overleaf: [], use the sigconf template

    • ACM Microsoft Word template: [download]

  • Submission link: submit here

  • Due: Sep 15th, 2022

  • Acceptance Notification: Sep 20th, 2022

This workshop is non-archival. The review process is single-blind. There are no conflicts with submitting work that was previously submitted or published in other proceedings or conferences.