Application Guidance and CV Review

November is the peak internship and PhD application season, and many students are considering how to best present themselves for future opportunities, both in industry and academia. To help early-career women navigate the application process, we designed this event to connect them with mentors who can offer advice and guidance from their own experiences on both sides of the application process.

The first part of the event included an expert panel discussion consisting of 5 women across industry and academia sharing their experiences in a question-and-answer format. This was followed by a networking session where participants got one-on-one feedback  on their CV from experts, followed by lunch.

We are extremely grateful to the panellists and mentors for their generosity in sharing their expertise and supporting our student community.


Su Lin Blodgett - Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research

Kirsty Ellis - Research Software Developer, Mila IDT Team

Carine McCrae - Director Talent and Culture, Mila

Dhanya Sridhar - Assistant Professor @ Université de Montréal, Canada CIFAR AI Chair

Vitória Barin Pacela - PhD student @ Mila and Visiting Researcher @ Meta


Glen Berseth Mansi Rankawat Mats Leon Richter

Pierre Luc Carrier Ibrahim Diarra Gayane Petrosyan

Olivia Bui Donna Vakalis Fanny Rancourt     Evgenii Nikishin