
1:30pm-1:45pm : Opening Remarks by Prof. Manuela Veloso (J.P.Morgan AI Research/CMU).

1:45pm-2:30pm : Keynote by Prof. Emma Brunskill (Stanford University)

2:30pm-3:15pm : Panel Discussion moderated by Dr. Sameena Shah (J.P.Morgan AI Research)

Panelists: Dr. Jessica Stauth (Fidelity Labs), Dr. Ravit Mandell (J.P.Morgan Asset Mgmt), Dr. Claudia Perlich (Two Sigma), Maria Potoroczyn (Citi - Global Consumer Bank)

3:15pm-3:30pm : Networking Break; participants will be able to network in virtual coffee break rooms

3:30pm-4:30pm : Breakout sessions; Breakout sessions are 30-min interactive discussions around a specific topic. Each breakout session will be coordinated by 1-2 session leads who will kick-off the discussion with a brief presentation. See session details below and bios of session leaders here